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Everything posted by jayyy

  1. 1.75” reported by a friend within a 75 min window in Pinesburg
  2. I’m calling a blatant slanted stick
  3. I like what I am seeing as well. Never hurts to see our storm overperforming to the SW of us. Moisture transport looks pretty solid as well. Curious to see how the SLP evolves (track, strength) over the coming hours. We should know fairly early on whether or not the GFS is onto something or not
  4. Kind of curious to see what the 0z GFS shows (even if it’s too close for it) Heard NWS said to throw out all other guidance due to lack of digital snow
  5. Oof! Looks like some sinking air from being adjacent to that deathband to your NW. It’ll drop over you in due time.
  6. You’re going to do quite well with this one. Someone in that 81 to 15 corridor is going to see 10+
  7. Not far behind ya, my friend. Ready to watch the snow fall in an inebriated state.
  8. My son at the Mount says it’s “****in’ snowing dude”
  9. Some of us will be by sheer odds, snow or no snow
  10. So.. what you’re saying… is that we should just hug the GFS
  11. Does look juicy doesn’t it? Now I just need it to meander SE a bit
  12. Come to papa - looks like some decent snow falling in Clskinsfan land
  13. Watching the radar and the precip get stonewalled to the SW of dc. Dry air winning out big time in central Maryland / DC currently That band currently NW of me will hit long before anything from the SW
  14. Still think nowcasting using radar and surface analysis is more useful in ironing out what’s the more likely outcome than using models. But point taken.
  15. Tell your friend hi ^ looks good mate (the snow of course)
  16. So… they went from 2-4” lollipop 6”, to 2-4”, to 2-4” lollipop 5”. Got it.
  17. The storm is quite literally overhead. It’s a nowcast situation when you have several models showing different tracks and evolutions this close to an event. Radar, meso analysis, WV loop, surface analysis, etc… will tell us more than a model will at this point.
  18. This earlier start mean anything? Or just that it’ll end earlier? Curious if it has anything to do with the lead wave
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