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Everything posted by tdp146

  1. 36 with a dew point of 31 and wet bulb of 34. About as marginal as marginal gets at the moment.
  2. Messy sleet. Coming down at a decent clip. The haptic rain sensor on my weatherflow is picking this up as heavy rain.
  3. Ok it’s flakes here even along the south shore.
  4. 37.2 ESE and wet bulb of 33.1 here just a bit to your south.
  5. Some folks getting mood flakes today. So far all I’ve got is mood salt that the town put on the street.
  6. I’m not the betting type, but what would you put the odds of April having more snow than all of Met winter in NYC?
  7. Eventually these things will clutter the night sky. Try and take a timelapse astrophotography shot and you’ll have streaks of starlinks or the half dozen other companies that are sending stuff up there
  8. Yikes. That puts it into perspective. The most exciting event all winter was a GLC and a trailing front. What ever happened to a good old fashioned Miller A. I’d take even a rainy one. At least it would be a real storm.
  9. Couple snowflakes dying on contact. Winter is saved.
  10. Took my dog out and saw slugs on the porch. That’s a first for January
  11. Snow shower again. Is this sound effect?
  12. The highest single thundershower event I received in July was .17”. Todays thundershower had .22”. January thunderstorm season is better so far.
  13. The snow bow is on my wreath. This should change our luck.
  14. I’ve only had my home station online since December 2020 but the 47.6 degree 24 hour temperature change is probably going to stand for a long while. The low pressure record today of 982.3mb is no push over either.
  15. The ocean is still around 50 degrees. Throw some wind and bitter cold air over that and maybe we get some rare ocean effect.
  16. Water temp at the harbor entrance and Islip buoy is 50 degrees. 17 foot seas at the Islip buoy.
  17. Sunset starts to get progressively later starting tomorrow
  18. I think those frost /freeze products are really to keep farming interests aware of early season freezes. At a certain point, like by November, your harvest is finished anyway.
  19. https://www.weather.gov/media/okx/FrostFreeze/OKX_Frost_Freeze_22_handout.pdf they were extending the dates of the frost/freeze program. Here is a map of the extended dates. The city and southern Nassau have the same dates as coastal Virginia.
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