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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Lots of wind damage and severe wx with that. This won’t have that
  2. Put your trousers back on and get it together
  3. Yeah .. strangely enough this one doesn’t bother me at all. Nothing to protect . Just hope the 24th system can whiten things up
  4. All Slopes shut for the holidays . Awful timing
  5. The wave is still there in Rh fields. It’ll come back at surface
  6. Weeklies also went winter early Jan as many of us except Pickles and Runaway surmised
  7. He’s just off the deep end in what’s not a bad looking pattern Xmas on
  8. My God Pickles just had a complete meltdown today . Post after post .. With a snow event modeled Xmas Eve and several possible events in the days leading up to NY.
  9. Let’s get that Midwest to NYC north clipper the Euro has to verify with a nice 2-4” incher Xmas Eve
  10. It certainly does. Gives you a good idea of pattern that week averaged out over 5 days which that is
  11. Looks like BN to N temps EPS which by late Dec / early Jan should yield winter storm threats anywhere north of NYC . This is a decent look
  12. You weenies drove Will away with all the melts and complaining. Congrats
  13. Nammy whammy bammy . We’ll see . This includes sleet
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