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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Going 8 weeks in the heart of winter without a snowfall? No we didn’t
  2. 1-3” is plowable . They plow for that. That’s the way he’s leaning. Little to no snow prior to that date. We both know, that would be just about impossible and impossible to deal with
  3. One plowable?lol.. that seems very unrealistic..if that’s the case you can keep this winter. No thanks to a couple good weeks then done.
  4. You post one op run Might be a mix or wet and the same whiny complainers immediately jump on board with their whining no pattern change etc etc. Its why so many folks have left
  5. Here they all come..The same ones that do it over and over and over. Just unreadable anymore
  6. Or snow to ice to dz. Something like that
  7. Nice light snow event for SNE NYE. Make it 3 for 3 in white holidays this season
  8. I get all that, but that troll post earlier was based on Freaks discussion about an off hour 18z GFS op run .
  9. Don’t all op runs do that on 10+ day progs periodically? We’re always told to use ensembles which haven’t shown that
  10. That no snow or cold is coming given all model data showing a beautiful pattern starting early Jan? I’ll sell all that silliness. Comments like are just going to give troll posters like that credence
  11. We’re there. The warm cuts are all gone. All that kid qc omega had left to troll with ... gone . Gone like your Chinese food tonight
  12. Merry Christmas to all the fine weenies here. Even to the contingent that dislikes me. From my family to yours .. Merry Christmas
  13. Being out of model loop today with the holiday. Are you split on ensemble camps on the 31st/ 1st storm?
  14. Would you prefer snow all December or all Morch?
  15. It’s unrealistic to expect snow in Dec, ? Ok
  16. It’s just to me I’d rather have it winter ( December) than Morch which turns into spring . Just how I’d prefer it. March loses the feel of winter to me with the sun angle and daylight increases
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