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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Would you prefer snow all December or all Morch?
  2. It’s unrealistic to expect snow in Dec, ? Ok
  3. It’s just to me I’d rather have it winter ( December) than Morch which turns into spring . Just how I’d prefer it. March loses the feel of winter to me with the sun angle and daylight increases
  4. Not really. It melts as fast as it falls. All Morch does is pad stats especially past the 10th
  5. That kid has been allowed to troll in our threads for awhile. Doesn’t even live anywhere near NE
  6. Glad we don’t live in NJ with 50’s and 60’s
  7. I have had migraines since I was 15. It starts with the aura.. the vision is blurry and partially blind for 20-30 minutes with the wavy lines. Then the headache kicks in . I used to get nausea and would vomit during some of them.I’ve been to neurologists and drs and have found some medication that helps kill the pain after several hours. As I’ve gotten older, they’ve lessened in intensity. You outgrow them slowly as you get into your 50’s. I’ve found for me the trigger is strong HP building in . Another words high barometric pressure. It does something to the blood vessels in the brain which triggers it for me. In fact, I just had one this past week with that big ,cold high on Tuesday. There’s not a worse feeling in the world than when that aura hits. You know you’re done.
  8. The change is here. There’s multiple winter events in New England modeled over the next 7-10 days. Some all white. Some mixes to rain . It’s already starting
  9. Pretty good actually .especially north of Pike
  10. Glad we don’t live in NYC or NJ . In NE we snow
  11. In all seriousness.. if your call verifies.. we’ll tip the cap your way
  12. It sure will be up north if your 60’s forecast up there is correct
  13. Lock in 60’s to CN border 6 days out!
  14. Sure it’s flips over to rain. But who’s to say some of these ensemble runs that suggest a mesolow locks in ice in NNE don’t pan out .. 6 days out lots can change . Maybe you’re right and it’s 60 dews to Maine’s again. We see
  15. You’ve got all these weenies in here thinking 2 more 60 Rainers are a lock 6-10 days out
  16. Just because a model shows 60 to Maine 6 days away doesn’t mean it will happen just because it did once the week prior lol
  17. Let’s see if EPS keeps showing the bagginess with mesolow s Li
  18. Euro overamp bias in full effect today lol. Buyer beware
  19. I think Fairfield south to your area is not somewhere we want to live
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