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Everything posted by Jenkins

  1. Looks like it’s our turn for the band in EASTERN RI.
  2. Trying to learn more about FGEN products here. Would anybody care to briefly explain how to use the various FGEN products at varying heights to predict where banding develops? In other words, in a setup like this, should I be looking at 700mb FGEN, 850mb FGEN, 900-500mb average, 800-600mb average? I'm taking a wild guess and perhaps the layer(s) which is the closest layer at which DGZ is located in?
  3. Another East Greenwich lurker (formerly BFF) chiming in here. Moved back here from Charlotte after 5 years down in the snowless piedmont. Looking forward to a decent storm.
  4. Brad P's latest thoughts. Does a good job of describing the soundings and would probably be helpful to anyone that isn't comfortable reading them.
  5. Punting this pattern change over what the OP GFS spit out at 240+ hours seems like a bit of an overreaction.
  6. Not able to view any threads again. Like an idiot, I selected the out of date theme.
  7. starting to see a decent amount of flakes now near fairview and providence
  8. The heavy showers that we have been getting are perhaps cooling the column down faster than the models are expecting. FWIW, 1z HRRR initialized about 3-4 degrees too warm for CLT.
  9. The precipitation rate is higher down here right now. As rates come up for your area, the temperature should drop some.
  10. Brad P doing a storm update now
  11. 34.5/31.3 near providence and fairview edit: 34.3/31.2
  12. Temp steadily dropping with the onset of heavier precip. Sleet mixed with rain near Providence and Fairview. 35.2/32.7
  13. 35 hour output from HRRR is useless.
  14. Not a bad sounding right there for CLT at H42. Fully saturated in the DGZ.
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