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Everything posted by Chrisrotary12

  1. Went to the putting green for an hour after work. Cool blustery wind felt amazing in my shorts and tshirt.
  2. Last nights storm was probably some of the heaviest rain I've seen.
  3. Is August the month with two direct cane strikes or is that September?
  4. As long as its green....I don't really care what it is. lol
  5. Snoozefest here. Glad for the rain though.
  6. Oh and......meh. Looks like nice stratiform rain shield moving through.
  7. This line is only about what....4 hrs early?
  8. That line is absolutely hauling ass. Will be here in no time.
  9. As others have remarked, I too don't remember smoke at the surface like this. This is two events this month. I recall many events where the smoke was elevated though. The smell today is different than I remember though. I seem to remember smelling burnt pine in the past. But today smells like burnt plastic almost.
  10. Smoke front moved through in the last hour or two. As others have reported, can definitely smell it too.
  11. 12z HRRR has a beast of a supercell crossing northern NH tomorrow.
  12. Had the cutest little thundershower earlier. 10 rumbles and 1 minute of rain.
  13. So when do the robot overlords or aliens take over?
  14. I think I am looking at the wrong models for the Sunday severe threat.
  15. Did a new batch of gnats hatch today or something? Just completed 20 minutes of picking up branches and crap and was swarmed by gnats the whole time. Unbearable amount.
  16. No. Maybe at some point. I only get to play 2-3 times a month honestly.
  17. Best round of the year for me today. +4 74. If I could putt just a little better would have been close to even.
  18. Yes I've been to a PGA event. The firefighter who played in the Masters and US Open a couple years back is from my hometown. So yes. There is a gap between low handicappers and touring pros. But it isn't as big as many think it is is all I'm saying. Pro Golfers Are Not THAT Good - Here's Why - Adam Young Golf Honestly, the biggest difference between touring pros and low handicappers is 1) ability to remove flag from the equation and 2) the greens. The PGA tour plays on greens that are massive and for the most part, they can two putt from anywhere. If a touring pro removes the flag and aims 20 ft left, then misses target 30 ft more left....they're still on the green a large percentage of the time. The greens that we all play on are barely 30 ft wide. So missing the target = missing the green = bogeys.
  19. You guys just adding fuel to my fire that tour pros aren't that great. They're just in shape, have perfect clubs, and are financed to play golf all day long.
  20. Just ran a quick errand and wow is the smoke impressive out there. Right to ground level. Passed over the highway and couldn't really see all that far up the road.
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