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Everything posted by Wmsptwx

  1. Why even make that call then, they should know climo better than anyone.
  2. Lol wouldn't be a storm without Jm telling State College they're doomed.
  3. It looks like 1.4 to 1.6 over good part of state?
  4. What the hell here goes: LNS 2 to 5...to ice MDT 4 to 6 to ice IPT: 6 to 9 to sleet UNV: 7 to 11 to sleet AOO: 7 to 10 to sleet BFD: 12 to 16 all snow
  5. I truly feel for Mets on this one, huge bust potential all over PA.....fun to follow though for same reasons.
  6. Horst will either look very good or very bad with this call...no real middle ground with this storm.
  7. It can happen again too. Local news surprisingly nailed November storm out this way.
  8. One thing is for sure about this storm...it is loaded with moisture and juiced.
  9. You and I had a few meltdowns together brother ...I agree more fun to just take it as it comes. I had meltdown..you were just sad haha.
  10. I used to model watch like a mofo......now I'm more go out and enjoy what you get and have some grey goose on rocks.
  11. Mag not to be mby guy but you think we see sig icing?
  12. Very strange storm, the Mets are earning pay on this guy.
  13. 3 to 6 mod 6 to 10 sig 10 to 16 mecs 16+ Historic 24+ bib
  14. Lol, dude you're fine it's a weather board...you are supposed to root for that! Very interesting storm to track for sure.
  15. Tbh you guys like it much more than most and only like 3 of us live outside of scpa so I'm okay with it...maybe not 2001kx though.
  16. Watch it turn into a strung out mess lol... weather always keeps us guessing it's why we love it.
  17. I'm just focusing on the clipper since it's at least going to whiten things up, Southern NY might be place to be for weekend deal, but still time.
  18. Clipper looking more 1 to 2 ish with 3 jackpots on latest runs.
  19. Nah, I like you guys and want you to get snow..I like it, you guys are crazy for it. I'll accept roasting for teams, haha I do at work daily.
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