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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. I won't go as far a George but the guy is capable of contributing some good stuff. The problem is that he seems get unhinged over the weirdest things.
  2. I love Rick Beato's stuff. Still can't stand the Doors though.
  3. I'm probably in the minority but I can't stand the Doors.
  4. Which one? This one or this one?
  5. Whoa, did someone hack TBlizz's account? This is way too optimistic to be posted by him.
  6. I saw that story. Did they all go together? The story in the Globe wasn’t clear. The other mountain news was sadder, an experienced hiking guide in NH died Tuesday night in the Whites. He had completed the Pacific Crest, Continental Divide and Appalachian Trails. It just goes to show how dangerous conditions can even get experienced people.
  7. They are comfortable to ride. I know you had a Rev before, which was better than the old style but your new one must be even better.
  8. I believe we built that ourselves but it was before my time. I’ve heard good things about the brush bars too. A number of our clubs have them.
  9. @TheMaineryhis is our groomer with the roller.
  10. Sorry to hear Wiz. It’s never easy watching a loved one go through it.
  11. It snowed all day here, with a high of 7°. Maybe an inch of accumulation?
  12. Spent the entire day outside opening snowmobile trails. The high at my place was 7.3° but we were cutting so many trees and branches that I was actually sweating a good portion of the day. Snowed all day too, which I didn’t expect. This was my favorite type of winter day, cold and a little snow in the air all day.
  13. Up to 0 off a low of -4.5. Not the coldest January airmass but still pretty legit considering it’s overcast and we even got a dusting of snow overnight.
  14. The main January thread has gone to absolute shit. Time to retreat to the NNE thread. Down to 2°, I think that’s my lowest of the season so far. Thats the one thing that bugs me about my Ambient weather station, it will give weekly, monthly and yearly highs and lows but I can’t go back month to month. It doesn’t keep that type of record. I don’t think it got any colder in November or December but I’m not 100% sure.
  15. Do you guys a have a roller? We have one and find that it packs better than sleds or just tracking with the groomer.
  16. They should put one at MPV. That would cover the entire eastern side of the state nicely.
  17. Congratulations. You weren’t going there hoping to see NFC Championship football were you?
  18. It’s getting there. still a lot of red but as the groomers get out there it’s get better. Red is closed, yellow is open but use caution and green is good.
  19. I saw a lot of white plates heading south on 89 Monday. Did they get much of good holiday weekend?
  20. Thank god we have snow pack in the mountains so that we can stave off drought this summer!
  21. The five tool player of weather.
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