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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Congrats on the newborn! Ob: SN continues. I was not expecting this much before midnight.
  2. Trash team follows their trash coach.
  3. Wow.Caps have looked like a steaming pile of dog sht all game and then score with a minute left in the 3rd to force OT. And we have a storm that trended in our favor 24 hours out. Pinch me.
  4. That was just ugly. What about Vinateri’s missed FG and missed EP. It’s a good thing you have a better track record with predicting pattern changes than playoff games.
  5. These playoff games are worse than snowkojima’s posts.
  6. Even the 3K is like 1.1” for DC. You’d think it would be right once the storm starts.
  7. 3k is saying its not out to lunch. DC is pushing close to an 1” of QPF by 21z Sunday.
  8. 1.3” in S. Arlington. Such a pretty scene outside....love when snow sticks to the tree branches.
  9. 1” in Arlington on the border of Alexandria/Arlington.
  10. Dude is a miserable troll. Just put him on ignore, makes it so much easier.
  11. Yes, I think the R actually stands for regional (instead of G for global) so I believe its just NA.
  12. Really pretty scene outside. Light snow falling (flake size definitely improved), coating on grass/mulch, and sidewalks starting to cave. Am I the only person who doesn’t look at radar once the storm starts? I just want to enjoy what’s falling and not worry over dry slots and back edges.
  13. Sort of...we were planning on driving back tomorrow but when it looked like it’d be worse than originally forecasted, decided to come back today. Also not missing a 6-10” storm so there’s that. Aaaand light snow now...it’s on!
  14. Just got home to Arlington. Not snowing here and bare ground. Like a different world compared to MoCo.
  15. Shoulders of 270 caving at exit 8. Sticking in between the travel lanes. Now I know what the famed MoCo band feels like.
  16. Yeah, don’t want to risk missing out on the storm. Lol. Dc should do better than deep creek.
  17. LOL. Haven’t laughed that hard reading a post on this forum.
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