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Everything posted by feloniousq

  1. CWG in with the strong "1-10 inches, low confidence" forecast
  2. lol heard the sleet falling and thought my sprinkler system had burst
  3. Hey - a pretty snowfall that I won't have to shovel, because it will all disappear by sundown. No real threat of the WSW ever verifying, but such is life.
  4. Grass is starting to poke back through even as flakes continue to dump.
  5. I saw a report from Purcellville of 3.6"...seems a bit ambitious but OK
  6. Good lord, some of these flakes are egg-sized
  7. it makes CWG's "we have low to medium confidence that you will get 2-20 inches" forecasts look reasonable because that's literally what the range of guidance is outputting
  8. A 6.6 inch difference between JYO and IAD is pretty nuts. That's about 2 miles per inch.
  9. the euro was garbage for this storm. garbage. it will be very painful for a lot of worshippers on this forum to acknowledge accordingly.
  10. How about the model run last night that had both you and me with 9.5”, 6” coming from the WAA? Any time a WSW fails to verify, it’s a bust, period
  11. Yea I think “King Euro” is downgraded to a Baron of some place out in the sticks. This was a big ol’ bust.
  12. Rates and flake size noticeably improved in the last 10-15 min in Ashburn
  13. watch watch watch watch watch watch
  14. Congrats to the itty bitty piece of Loudoun at the edge of the bridge to Point of Rocks, which is the only place south of the Potomac that the HRRR thinks ever gets a p-type of snow
  15. A coworker in Cincinnati says it’s been pouring rain all day, heavier than expected
  16. It is very, very wet. Like white mud. This is gonna be a nightmare tomorrow morning on refreeze.
  17. Mulch is whitening, grass and deck following
  18. I left Reston about 30 min ago and it was ~50/50 snow/rain then so should be fine. Car thermometer dropped from 46 to 36 driving from Reston to Ashburn. Flake size and rates are trying to increase in Ashburn, but everything still just wet.
  19. I definitely don't begrudge SPC for issuing it. I think there's room to begrudge SPC/NWS for forcememing it as the second coming of April 2011.
  20. King Euro might be knocked down to knave after this.
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