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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. That aspect has been more fun for me as I get older. Just sitting back and watching these guys get unhinged while it’s 55 and rain makes it worth it. There’s nothing more fun than dropping a steaming pile of cutter dung into these threads whenever weenies think a change is coming.
  2. I feel confident after the first week. Are we getting 80” in a month, likely no...but that should be a better time for awhile.
  3. This is what happens when you have unreasonable expectations with long range voodoo. Some of you need to have some rum and eggnog and take a break.
  4. It’s the EPO. Until it moves east it will be cutter potential. That looks to happen after the first week of Jan. To be honest that’s how it looked for awhile despite people not wanting to hear it. The good news is that some winter threats appear to be mixed in as well.
  5. Steve you took this way too personal. I literally just asked about the storm total since it seemed high and noticed it before. Jesus you’d think I accused you of lying. In any science, it’s perfectly ok to ask. Stuff gets thrown out all the time after being QCd. Didn’t Fisher bust your chops yesterday? I look at coop and other data all the time. Some of it is suspicious when totals vary over a half inch within 5 miles from a synoptic event. Not many know or understand the intracacies of taking obs. I know you do, but speaking of a more wider issue.
  6. There’s bad shit out there all the time. We’ll need to keep an eye on that Moosup total.
  7. I’m talking specific storm total. Not year. We all know mesoscale things like convection can smooth out the differences.
  8. And any clown can be a Coco Crisp member. So yeah seeing obs from any geek off the street isn’t going to justify something unless I know he or she is diligent. No branches over house and comparing storms to superstorm of 93.
  9. The number I saw was at 11pm yesterday so you are correct they had more after. But using Monroe CT to justify your total would give the state climatologist a heart attack. You should find others close to you. All I am saying is that you stand out at times in storm totals from nearby towns. Relax. You’re taking it way too personally.
  10. LOL you are taking this way to personally. What you should say is “Scooter my station and stratus are very close in most storms and the data seems accurate.” Or “Scooter my stratus is in a good spot and not prone to any issues with drop run off from trees or splashoff from roof.” Im well aware of totals. I went by BOX totals which defintely were less than what you have and it happens frequently. So naturally I hope you understand why it could arouse some suspicion. And all those branches hitting the house...hope stratus is far from that.
  11. Stations 80 miles from your house aren’t a good proxy.
  12. No, but you know as well as I do the data isn’t always QCd or correct too. Using a sample size of two doesn’t make or break the argument.
  13. It’s my job. When you are always higher i question. I figured you’d get all bent out of shape. I know you aren’t lying....but I know for a fact you can screw around with gauges that aren’t a stratus and get bad readings. If I was always higher or lower it would make me want to take a closer look. I mean look around this last storm. You beat those in the firehose and half inch higher than others in your county and N Foster just to your east.
  14. If your reports are from a stratus that is well placed and away from roof blowoff, leafdrop etc then cool. I’m more speaking of whatever digital intrsument you use. Like I said, the dude in N Weymouth simply has incorrect wind reports. We know Logan undercatches etc.
  15. Using other obs where I have no idea how good their siting is, doesn’t prove a point.
  16. You’re only good as your instruments. You’d be surprised how things are placed in areas where you wouldn’t suspect any issues, but it happens. Same with calibration.
  17. Drunk? Obviously you don’t lie....I’m talking about the instruments.
  18. I’m actually serious. You always are higher and it seems strange to me. Maybe it’s right, but it’s drawing Scooter flags. I called the dude out in my town about his winds too. They are always high...too high. He’s anemometer is like 10’ off the ground he he showed a gust to 70. That just seems off. Maybe dendrite would know if they can read too high.
  19. You’re consistently higher than most all the time. Recalibrate gauge? Dogs urinating in stratus?
  20. That’s actually not a bad pattern after NY. It’s not ice cold, but works for New England. Not sure why everyone got stupid todaY. I don’t see any glaring issues unless you expect Quebec City to visit.
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