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Status Updates posted by Mencken_Fan

  1. Hi Alex. I agree with your reply to me; that "inferiority" applies more to our national science level than just to the GFS. Empirical evidence, the set of (people I've met in 59 years of life) tells me we're a nation of "science illiterates"; and I'm "only" a high school graduate.

  2. Congratulations for making it into your first tropical cyclone eye! My first was only 7 years ago here on the coast of N.C. And hey, maybe you'll get two this year?!

  3. Thank you for posting the plots and charts in the Southeast group. I know I'm not alone in appreciating it.

  4. Thanks for the radar. Bookmarking your ILM and hoping Irene misses wide right.

  5. Re: 957mb Low forecast off the coast; your post: "Hope it dropped some snow on the outer banks before undergoing an ERC." is CLASSIC!

    BTW, I'm in Wilmington, NC; know about Wilmington, DE; but Wilmington, MA? First I've ever heard of it.

  6. Good job on that hurricane tracking map you created. Just wish you were 50mi east with it. (It doesn't take much to knock out the power here in the Wilmington area.)

  7. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy and appreciate your fine posts on the climate board. Rational analysis? Yes. Hype? No. You've no idea how much I wish there were more like you; on the net, in my "real" world, and everywhere else. BTW, I just noticed I'm 11 months younger than you, lol. What a hoot. Cheers from North Carolina.

  8. Hey hey! It's great to see a post of yours; I was afraid you'd abandoned us. North Carolina - land of the intellectuals; who'd have guessed? LOL! Cheers!

  9. I see you have a zillion friends which is fine...but wxtrix? Do you not have any standards?

  10. Great pic man! I have a friend who's into the "long-hair world" as it seems to be. Holler back if interested in the southeast longhair scene.

  11. King Salmon - oh my! I was a surveillance tech at the Norad Control Center there in '72-'73 (one of Alaska's coldest winters ever.) We intercepted many civilian planes coming Japan (off course), ha-ha; and a few Soviet Bombers too.

    My winter there had very little snow (oh so disappointing!) because it was clear and cold most the time. What little snow we got - al...

  12. Science vs. Religion....am glad to see you pass the "Enlightenment Test" of1750" ha-ha. Keep it up...spread knowledge.

  13. Thank you for your rational and informative posts in the climate section.

  14. Your description of Trixie on the "Jesus" issue was brilliant and insightful. Job well done.

  15. Terrific Arctic melt this summer. I hope I live long enough to see it all disappear! Appreciate your good work...but please stop replying to the trolls!

  16. Heeeeeere we go again, ha-ha. Hang on to your hat...I like this one better.

  17. Welcome to the "weather club." Reading the many posts here adds much insight to one's perception of America, even if it's only the folks interested in weather. I hope you enjoy your visit; and toast my glass of wine to you!

  18. Hello from another American who suffers the tortured writing of his fellow citizens.

  19. Considering your age, one would think you'd know how to sense context in people's posts. Instead, you come across as being parochial, trite, and petty to all those who don't vote for you as class president. Snap out of it; high school is soooo yesterday.

  20. Intelligent posters are few and far between. Whether I agree or disagree with you on any point, at least I know you know HOW to think. Kudos kiddo.

  21. I never knew you were so "enlightened." I know it's tough being a rationalist in our Bible-thumping nation; been dealing with it for near 60 years. Hang in there kiddo!

  22. Finally getting a decent snow here. Yay! I feel like I'm back in Maryland, ha-ha. So far, this is the 2nd best snow I've seen since moving here in 2003. If we can get above 3" it would be a new personal record.

  23. Don't let the "know it alls" get you down; the rest of us enjoy your posts.

  24. Hello from the coast of North Carolina. You're likely one of the very few who know of the place where I was stationed in the USAF from '72 to '73: King Salmon NORAD Control Center, Alaska.

    I traveled about the state as much I could; including a return trip from Fairbanks to Anchorage via the Alaska Railroad.

  25. I notice in the tropical threads you're comfortable speaking outside the cliques tiring box. Kudos. BTW, I'm a MOCO native (Walt Whitman High, class of '70.)

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