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Everything posted by mississaugasnow

  1. Yep, though the northern suburbs probably wouldn't mind another bump north. As of right now the northern suburbs are looking at 2-4", Downtown Toronto and west to Hamilton 4-6" and Hamilton-Niagara 6-10"
  2. Winter Storm watches up for portions of the GTA. Looking around 6-10" here which I will gladly take because this winter has been awful.
  3. 2010 F-250 Diesel, with all season tires. Last year I had a 2011 f-150 4x2 and it was a disaster in most snowfalls and it never left the GTA. The 250 this year was cruising around Muskoka in the New Years snowstorm no problem. The girlfriend drives a 2012 Hyundai accent hatchback.
  4. Lets go Clemson. I hate saying that as a Michigan fan because I hate both those teams, but I hate Alabama a little bit more.
  5. Buffalo regularly spells out the pattern they think might happen. They even mention "looking further down the road" which means they are looking well beyond day 7. Time will tell, but the pattern change and cold and snowy forecasters have gone all in on the 20th here and on social media. They havent left much room for wiggle if the pattern fails to materialize.
  6. Only time will tell. Heres Buffalo AFD. Since they're talking about beyond January 15th time frame, it looks like they arent sold on the idea of a cold second half. Looking further down the road...while we will be experiencing below normal temperatures during this period...a large impressive storm system over the northern Pacific in the vcnty of the Emperor Seamounts will set the stage for a warm up. A strong East Asian jet supporting this storm system will extend across the Pacific by the end of this forecast period...and this should encourage Pacific modified air to flood the country during the ensuing week. The influx of the maritime airmass into the center of the country with a pattern that typically induces ridging east of the Rockies will favor a spell of warmer weather for our region for the week following the end of this specific forecast period. Stay tuned.
  7. I can tell that the longer we go without a big storm or big cool down is slowly overwhelming those forecasting for cold. A few local weather individuals I follow on twitter have now stepped back from a prolonged cold and snowy 2nd half of January and February. The Buffalo NWS also says that beginning next week they expect a substantial warm up.
  8. Ill take brutally cold weather and random 1-2 inch snowfalls from alberta clippers. I enjoy legit winter storms but at this point ill take highs between 10-15F and lows below 0F with consistent snow cover.
  9. I agree, when the pattern change is within days and looks like it has legs ill start to buy in. Today was making me wish for spring though. Blue skies, temperatures in the mid 40s.
  10. Ill take that because at the very least we will get some alberta clippers to drop an inch or two of snow every few days. Ill gladly take a few inches of snow and freezing temperatures instead of this pattern
  11. Not that it should matter since its going to be in mid to upper 40s by the weekend, but I'm barely missing an overachiever. Up to 4" in some spots in the northern GTA. Since this is the banter thread, at what point will you throw in the towel on the season? For me I have the towel out, but Ill wait another few weeks. If the end of January and beginning of February show no promise Ill start waving it and cheering on an early spring
  12. This winter is starting to really remind me of 2011-2012. I must say I enjoy watching those that predicted a frigid winter with snow get more and more upset. I respect those that have said they messed up and didn't foresee this happening. But those that have now dug in even deeper and seem to be lashing out by promising a massive back end of winter have put all the chips on the table and if wrong have a lot of apologizing to do. (Not because of wrong forecast, I understand its difficult to forecast. The arrogance though that anyone mentioning warmth doesn't know what he/she is talking about is annoying) Ive noticed the weather network up here is slowly changing the wording on what they anticipate. It is now a "more winter like pattern is expected for February, but we have lower than normal confidence"
  13. Do you guys think youll ever leave the imperial system? In Canada officially were metric but culture wise were a hybrid. When explaining your weight/height to someone here its imperial, when getting building supplies here you generally talk imperial. Road signs and weather are fully metric here in everyday conversation but people understand imperial weather measurements as well. Im 100% sure Canada would be as clueless about imperial as Australia, UK essentially the rest of the world if we werent as close geographically, culturally, historically to the US
  14. I can see how they would do the mistake but its sloppy. 16C = 60F so thats how they got number. Using a very quick rule of thumb which isnt bang on, 16C above normal would be roughly 32F above normal. Thats an impressive heatwave to get departures like that. 16C below normal in Toronto right now would be highs around -18C or 0F and in the summer that would be highs around 42C or 107F
  15. When I was there the hostels discussed tsunami risk a bit but it was one of those "Not much you can do". Indonesia and Thailand is where I thought about tsunamis a bit, thinking of highest spot I could get to fastest. Weirdly never really crossed my mind when I was in Cambodia/Vietnam/Malaysia Where are you thinking of going in Indonesia? I would recommend hiking Mount Bateur, Ubud monkey forest was cool and for the beach I ferried to the island of gili t. haha ferries over there is when I actually felt the most at risk. Little to no safety and older ships=my mind thinking how would I get out of this one
  16. Assuming the full change out of this pattern is delayed by another 10-14 days, winter will really have to rock from mid-late January for about 6 weeks. Even then, we would need multiple monster storms hitting various parts of the sub for this winter to get a good grade. This is starting to feel like 2011-2012
  17. maybe a sneaky half inch of snow later today/tonight. zzzz for the lower/eastern great lakes for the foreseeable future
  18. Also want to point out im talking snowfall amounts. The 2nd half of winter appears to deliver some really cold air, just think that might lead to suppression city.
  19. haha I know. However, if you were to use November-March as Torontos snowy months (October and April can sometimes surprise) then were quickly approaching the halfway mark of the winter season by the time the pattern changes. Toronto has seen roughly 8 inches of snow so far this year (none were substantial, just 1-2 inches at a time) We average 43-50" depending on your location within the city. So the season would have to really kick into gear hard and fast and deliver non stop storms for us to get close to normal. Reaching normal becomes especially hard the longer the snow drought continues since getting a 8"+ storm is very rare in the city. Not saying it wont happen, but sometime within the next few weeks it will start to become increasingly difficult mathematically to reach average. Unless of course we are starring down a 99-00 type season which had a bad December followed by historical amount of snow in the 2nd half of winter, so much so that the army had to be called in to help remove snow.
  20. On the plus side my cottage is about to be under a winter storm watch for up to 6 inches of snow friday. I can always drive 3 hours north to find a winter wonderland
  21. Looks like at least another 2-3 weeks of boring weather. Im then off to Arizona so everyone should expect a big snowstorm in mid January haha. Not ready to throw in the towel yet, but by late February/March it gets increasingly difficult for good snowstorm in the lower lakes so time is running out. And I know it can snow well into March/April but it quickly becomes elevation dependent in the GTA. Especially April.
  22. Personally I want winter storms and winter weather until about March 15th. After that I want the switch flipped to 60s and sunny immediately. Very unrealistic but ah well
  23. I still think that March 2012 was the biggest weather event Ive witnessed in my life. Trees were green and flowering shrubs and trees were in bloom by late March. At my cottage (Muskoka region of Ontario) when theres still normally 3 feet of snow and 20-30 inches of ice on the lake, there was no snow, all ice gone and spring peepers 6-8 weeks ahead of normal.
  24. Interesting. Its like theres a no mans land between the two haha. From my travels across the eastern part of the continent southern Illinois thru southern Indiana-KY-WV-MD-DE all have qualities of south and north. KY and WV to me seem to have a lot more southern aspects of culture. One of my favorite indicators of the south is grits and accent. Detroit, Buffalo, Cleveland, Columbus and Indianapolis I hear little to no accent. Cincinnati, Lousiville, Charleston WV is where I hear the first southern accents and the menus all start adding grits prominently. To add my own experience with accents, when in Nashville they assumed pretty correctly that I was from the North East, but not from NYC or Boston. Dont mean to go way off topic, just a boring pattern right now and interested in this sort of stuff.
  25. Recently drove down to Nashville and couldn't believe how far south Cincinnati felt. Weather wise Cincinnati has nothing in common with southern ontario/WNY/SE MI Which leads me to a question. When do you guys feel like you've entered the south? For me its Cincinnati, especially its Kentucky suburbs. Ive heard Cincinnati been referred to as the most southern northern city and the most northern southern city.
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