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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. Channeling my Price Is Right skills: BWI: 30.3 DCA: 25.5 IAD: 35.7 RIC: 28.2
  2. 31.3F Hard freeze baby!! Woo hoo!! .
  3. Power is back on. 2.29 for the event. Dow to 50F. .
  4. Yeah. This line is way better than the first. Heaviest wind I've seen in months.
  5. 1.78” for the event. Nice rebound. What drought?!? .
  6. Nice. Maybe our fortunes have changed. Looking forward to it. 3.69 inches in the last two weeks.
  7. Dang! 1.98. Almost made it to 2.00.
  8. 1.89 inches and Rum Swizzle from my Bermuda trip! Can I get to 2.00"? .11 to go!
  9. Under the band! 1.74 inches and counting.
  10. 0.87 inches so far. Lovin' it. The strings of grass amidst the dirt patches that survived the mini-drought, like the wisps of hair on a balding man's head, are nice and green. lol
  11. So, I get 1.7 inches of rain this week while I was on a cruise to Bermuda. So, I still haven't experienced any rain personally in over a month. Perhaps the ocean is where I need to be for it to rain again. Anyone want to finance another cruise for me so we can get some more rain?
  12. .08 inches on the gauge. Biblical ark building amounts in these parts! .
  13. Thank God I got that .01 inches of rain. Now I don't have to turn on my sprinklers.
  14. This is absolutely amazing. Heartbreaking looking at all that training rain to our west.
  15. Damn! Darn! Couldn't even squeeze out enough to get to .10. Only got up to .09.
  16. 0.08 inches so far. I can hear the rain trickle down my gutters. Haven't heard that in a while. This is nice. I think I can get over 0.10 today.
  17. My little rhyme yielded me 0.02 inches so far. More incoming. Roads are wet. Allergies have been kicking my family's collective tails for the past 4 weeks. I'm not sure this light rain will help. We need a moderate rain for like 4 hours.
  18. OMG! Is that rain I see? Coming after me, so auspiciously! It looks incredible. So large on the radar with lots of greens and yellows. I think it might rain gals and fellows. Why am I rhyming? Is it because rain chances are climbing? What a Monday morning treat! Let me take my seat, and listen to the pitter-patter of little raindrop feet.
  19. Can this be true? Rain? My radar app alerted me for the first time in a month about an impending rain shower. Will it reach me? Will it ghost me? Will it skip over me? Juke around me? And if this rain should fall, wil the ground hiss from the contact of this blessed moisture? I'm intrigued.
  20. Dry as the Sahara. There’s got to be a fire danger. This is a lawn-lovers nightmare. .
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