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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. There was a solid coating so more than a dusting. I didn't get to step out but it looked to have a very grainy surface so I assume it finished with a topping of sleet of freezing drizzle. I'm curious to see how durable it is. It has also been very foggy since about 7am.
  2. Snowing lightly now, little to no wind and it's cold. I just let the dogs out and the ground is coated nicely. Looks like winter.
  3. After a rather rough start there's nowhere to go but up, I'm up to the challenge so now the weather needs to cooperate so we don't all have to go to a gym. We're going to dry out this year, it's going to happen. I have confidence
  4. Do you have any idea how nice a thing that was to read? I owe ya one man @Hitman quiet, you have no idea... Doesn't hurt that my dogs won't leave my side either.
  5. Of course, 1998 was the year after I opened my old ski shop and the year I moved into a standalone building. It was a "challenging" year.
  6. Yay I'm home! Doesn't it figure as we come up the hill it starts sorta snowing and by the time we got to the house it was an all out graupel fest. It made for an interesting hobble up the hill from the street. Boy it feels good to be home...
  7. Does anybody have a handle on when this exceedingly wet pattern might break, or at least modify?
  8. It's been one setback after another. Yup I'm still in the hospital Thanks for all the well wishes, they sure do help. Some time this spring or summer I sure would like to meet you all, we should do a little get together. I'll get a new thread rolling soon, I want to put myself in a better place and have my 'puter rather than the phone. So what's this talk about some white stuff for us in a week or so?
  9. They might, I'll find out when I get home.
  10. Actually I asked and there aren't any teenage boys living on the street, the college age ones will all be gone soon so they don't count. I'm on my own
  11. Oh and yeah, if you hadn't known you'd think I was on a modified cardio diet for the last 10 years so this is likely another case of getting stuck with the Joker rather than the Ace of Spades. My dad had his first heart attack at 43 and has had a cascading series of events for the last 33 years.
  12. Ooh the exercise is another sticking point. The vascular surgeon that did the arterial stent told me that anything more dynamic than speed walking is out of the question. For my whole life I've been overly active, mt biking, skiing (trees and bumps) kill the opponent tennis kind of stuff and now I'm supposed to walk. Blah like I said in the other thread I'm pretty beat down and demoralized at the moment. 8 days on my back in the hospital isn't helping me but they keep coming up with complications and IMO padding the darned bill. I love you guys and appreciate you letting me vent
  13. Thanks all YouYou all said get a neighborhood kid... In over 20 years I've never had an offer, there are no kids (boys) that shovel and the couple with blowers have never even cleared the plow pile so I can get the off the street. Dozens of times I'd come home and have to leave the car in the street for an hour just to clear enough room to get it in the driveway while the neighbors would blow theirs out in 15-20 minutes. Yeah man it's the friendly burbs Sorry after 8 days in the hospital I'm feeling pretty beat down. Bring on spring!
  14. First time ever I'm looking forward to a warm and dry winter. I had a pretty significant heart attack on Friday afternoon then a bunch of complications and I'm pretty much laid up for the next two months. No shoveling means I want no snow. Sorry all...
  15. This slow recovery thing isn't just frustrating it FKN hurts. You know how a bruise gets tight and that part of the body is stiff? Picture everything from your belly button down not being able to move without searing pain. I also haven't even seen the outdoors since Friday afternoon and everyone is talking about how warm it is and such. A guy came into work here at the hospital in his running gear and started spewing about how nice it is, he got a faceful from me I mean really, coming into the cardiac ICU where none of us in the rooms can even get up much less share the enthusiasm. I hope it's ok if I vent to you guys a bit. Let me know if you don't want to hear it.
  16. Well, my outlook on snow changed pretty dramatically a few days ago. On Friday afternoon I was just puttering around the house and had a pretty significant heart attack Then when they were dealing with that they screwed up and punctured my iliac artery and it drained a few pints of blood into my abdomen and legs so it's going to be a long drawn out recovery. I can't shovel at all for the next 3 months at least so I'm hoping it plays out like 2012. Sorry guys That said, I'm feeling pretty darned good and made my way around the hospital room by myself a few hours ago Unfortunately I'm in the hospital for New Years and all by myself because they don't allow visitors in the ICU overnight HapHappy New Year to the interior crew and have one (3?) for me.
  17. We had quite a few in the 70's but other than Jan/Feb 78 only a couple were truly justified. And any of those bigger storms could end up being exceptionally wet rather than white. Sure there's pulling down cold and all of that but it's going to get really hard to overcome a warmer ocean with air that's not as cold as it used to be. More potent may not be a good thing, look at those intense thunderstorms in Feb 16. I had snow on the ground when it happened and we ended up with ~3" of rain one afternoon. Yup there was cold involved, that's why they were so potent, but it wasn't cold enough. I think we'll see more of that
  18. Not hard to ask for but it is nearly impossible to get. We've come close a few times over the last 25 years but that big wet thing to our east is gonna win no matter how hard you wish for it not to. If the politicians and oil companies have their way they'll tap that 90 billion barrels under the now nearly completely melted arctic ice cap and oil prices can stay reasonable for decades to come. Between that, new more affordable ways to recover more from existing fields and decreasing need due to alternative energies coming online over the next few years there will be plenty to go around. I think the days of big returns from oil are probably over.
  19. Boy you young'ns are so spoiled You'd all lose your minds if you had to go years between snowstorms of more than an inch or two or if every storm started with some sort of frozen precip and ended as rain. That's what it was inside of 287 for most of the first 28 years of my life. When it goes back to that, which it inevitably will, what are you all going to do?
  20. This has always driven me nuts. I've gone so far as to pull out a map and show people but they still argue that the actual geography doesn't matter When I worked downtown it was also a struggle to explain that just because rocks stick out of the ground in the Bronx that doesn't make it upstate. They'd say if there are mountains then it's upstate... Well it started snowing hard enough that it's accumulating again on snow that's already on the ground. It has almost entirely melted off paved/concrete areas but is nice and thick on everything else.
  21. ^^ @donsutherland1 We have a little bit more than that 35 miles north and it stuck to the trees better, pavement about equal. There's a definite Hallmark Card kind of quality to it. It has been snowing lightly since my last post, not quite enough to overcome melting so I don't know if it will get to 1", sure would be nice though just because...
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