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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. Oh haha I came here to say that waking up to a steady light rain was kind of nice for a change. We were planning a beach and bike ride day today since it's the last day before the kids go back to college so that's wrecked but the rain was sorely needed.
  2. I've done Buttermilk but will have to do this next time, it looks great. So which trees do I cut down to make an open space for a decent weather station and how do I convince the neighbors they need to also to accommodate my fetish? There's only one open spot on the whole property and that's right down near the street so the wife nixed that idea years ago. I just don't think that under a leaf canopy (in the summer) and blocked by wind all year is the right situation. That one open spot gets scoured by wind in the winter because of it's ENE orientation and that would make for some very inaccurate readings. Some properties just aren't conducive to getting good information so I use from others in the area and make the best of it. Snowfall amounts are a little easier without the leaf canopy and being blocked from the wind isn't the worst thing because it settles nicely, granted there is probably some blow in from more exposed areas but I don't think it's too much to throw the numbers off much.
  3. Bring the mt bike! There's some great riding between here and there. For local details talk to the guys at Old Goat Gear Exchange in downtown Ithaca or Anthony at Chenango Point Cycles in Binghamton. I'm thinking you're not going to get to do that though, you're probably taking your kid to school right?
  4. One mile north of me the station has .12 and a 2 miles south its .21. Who knows, I might just hit 1 inch for the 30 day period ending today before the complex finally moves out.
  5. To even get marginal success in the garden this year has meant an awful lot of time spent. Even with the attention the yields have been anything but good. I saw you mentioned the guy in CT in another post. Putnam County where I live has had the cyano issue for a while now and a few other wonderful things too. In 2018 we had 46% of all lake beach closures in NY State. This year has been a little bit better but not much. One of the big reservoirs has turned this putrid color over the last year or so, stayed that way even through the winter. I don't trust any open fresh water around here anymore. Yay it's raining! I'm up to .1" The heavy stuff slid just south of me, missed by maybe 2 miles.
  6. Me too. Nearest station to me is under .1 for the week and only .01 today. Still under an inch since mid July unless I'm forgetting something.
  7. It rained! The street is dry already Nearest station to me recorded .01. Yay
  8. ^^ weirdo I really hope it rains later. It's so dry and the next few days of low RH will really exacerbate the situation here.
  9. I'm amazed at the dry corridor sort of along and just south of 84. It's like someone wanted my garden to only be marginally successful this year but it has been nice only having to mow twice since mid June.
  10. Yeah I was up and around Dutchess County on Tuesday and the difference in how lush things are is amazing if you know what to look for. Most people probably wouldn't notice the minor details that tell the story. In the hills east of Rhinebeck (where you are?) even the neglected old closed up farms looked like they could spin right back up whereas here they just look ratty and browned out.
  11. No wind and no rain again. I had 15 minutes of very light drizzle early this afternoon but that's it for the last few days. I was looking forward to getting wet this week but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.
  12. That complex slid by a few miles to my north. I could hear the rumbling but it only drizzled here.
  13. The line moved through already. It drizzled for about 15 minutes. The street is already dry and I have to go water the garden.
  14. Well it looks like the first line of storms is close, really close so maybe you'll get lucky and there won't be a second line. It also sort of looks like the southern ends of the region won't be affected by the first line so maybe head south and do some stuff now.
  15. Ooh boy I got a whopping .23" yesterday. That puts me at about .5 for the last few weeks. At least the rain keeps falling at the right time to soak in overnight so things are growing well but the ground is hardpan and dusty. Maybe the wetness coming up replenishes the soil moisture somewhat.
  16. I was in NJ and there was a fair bit of C to G lightning that we could see from the GSP. It was a pretty good sized standalone cell to the east of the parkway with a nice rain column and high top. I like watching stuff like that evolve while I'm traveling. Is it really going to be wet every day this week? One more beach day before the kids go back to school would be nice. Which day is most likely to be worth the effort and is early that much better to be worth the extra effort?
  17. I got tenths worth this time, .23" yesterday! I've graduated from hundredths It's up to almost a half inch over the last few weeks
  18. ^^Wow look at that fog set up over the whole of the Northern Taconics. That's cool.
  19. This is pretty wild, almost the entire northeast is gonna get wet at some point today with some areas getting totally soaked. The front has already broken up as it is getting to me and it's dry outside with lightning off in the distance. The backside storm line is already collapsing to the southeast and looks like it's going to miss me entirely too. Dry begets dry...
  20. Yeah the stinging bugs have been overwhelming. I do many many miles on the road and the front of whatever car I'm in that day gets plastered. In a weird way it's not so bad that mine has been in for recall work for a month because I've done about 6,000 hard road miles and the loaner car (that had 111 miles on it when I picked it up) looks like it's been through several wringers. There are bugs drilled so deep into what was new paint they're never coming out. These bugs and I have put a serious hurt on the resale value of this loaner
  21. Yeah now that it's silted in your probably SOL as far as restoring it as a pond but the DEC should be amenable to the stream being restored because that flow is important in a variety of ways. They may even take a look and see what happened upstream and choose to do a full stream restoration at pretty much no cost to you. I've seen it happen several times relating to storm damage. It's possible they'd determine that the pond is also important to regulate that flow so they may choose to do a partial restoration. It might be worth contacting them to see what they say. I was up in the Albany area today, started in Kingston this morning. At that point the weather was beautiful but storm clouds were starting to build over the high peaks. By the time I got to Albany around noon there were storms starting to roll around the Catskills and Adirondacks. When I left the north side of the metro area around 4:30 it was stormy just to the west and it followed me all the way to the Taconic. It drizzled for a minute up in Columbia County but that was it. They got another good soaking from about I90 north though.
  22. I should sit down and add up all of the precip since mid June when it dried out after the exceedingly wet first half of the year. I bet it's under 3" here. You'd never know from looking at the flora but the ground is rock hard and dusty and some stuff is starting to burn out. I've watched storms go north and south of me way more often than I'm used to, this area here isn't usually the dry spot for the region. Most of the small and mid sized ponds are scummy and even one of the big reservoirs is going through a cyano-bloom. Most of the creeks are down to a dribble now and some of the local ponds the level is starting to go down so I figure the water temp is getting too high creating the algae and general nasty look to things.
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