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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. The official depth for measuring soil temps is 4" I think. This is a good idea, if it works I could see doing the same thing. That 15* drop in Brewster confirms my suspicions. It's significantly more uncomfortable than it was early this morning.
  2. ^^ Perfect. It looks like winter but the road and driveway are good to go. Hopefully it gets to dry before it freezes. All I'm getting is enough white rain that it looks good against a dark background.
  3. Looks like the precip is ending just as it starts to flake. Nice to see though...
  4. Pretty much looking like we need to head up to Julians place if we want to see more than a dusting tomorrow. The west slope of the Berkshires a little further northeast of there could see a decent little thumpin'.
  5. It's 40 years ago this month since I've seen him on stage. Looks like the first mt bike ride in the snow for the season is coming up this week. Who's joining me?
  6. I lost both of mine and there are a few others either dead or nearly so in the neighbors yards.
  7. 17 on my hill this morning. Strangely enough now that it's back above freezing (36) things that were green yesterday are still green, lawns are still looking pretty good and the trees that hadn't dropped their leaves after the wind a few days ago still haven't.
  8. 18* out there. This should put the bugs down for the season.
  9. For the first half of the 80's when I still lived in Oceanside there was only one storm that really sticks out in my head, the others were pretty forgettable. Those were the years that put more than half of the ski areas in the region out of business because they couldn't invest in snowmaking. As you went further north it wasn't bad at all but below I90 was pretty terrible.
  10. 23* low a few minutes ago with a dusting of snow on colder surfaces. The last hour or so of precip last night was white rain and it froze on the grass and car tops and it looks like snow so I'm calling it snow.
  11. .45" and the wind has finally turned over to predominantly northerly, temp is 33 and it's flurrying. In town it's 35/36.
  12. It's barely drizzling here now. Looks like the precip is going to shut off before it gets cold enough to be snow.
  13. My grandmother who was 85 at the time and lived 8 houses from the beach in Belle Harbor said the ocean roared for 3 days straight. I wasn't living here at that point but I had friends that did and they said the surfing was epic, like life changing awesome. I only sort of felt a little bit jealous because I was in Lake Tahoe and we got about 20 feet of snow that month. Then we got another 20 feet the next month and I completely forgot about it
  14. I need to do that final mow too but it's still really wet under the leaves that need to be chopped up and the mower blade is shot so it keeps stalling. I'm gonna give it one more day. Are we really going to get snow Thursday night or just some white rain that looks good for a few hours?
  15. No but I wouldn't mind a repeat of 11/12 65* Christmas eve mt bike ride was really nice and 70* rounds of golf in January were pretty good too.
  16. So is a hard freeze pretty much assured tonight? Do I go out now and pull the unripe tomatoes and peppers and let them finish in the house even though they'll be pretty small or do I chance them freezing and getting ruined?
  17. Looks like 1.25" here for yesterday and early this morning. Boy that was a fun drive home from the Capitol District last night. I had to go to Williamstown MA after Cohoes so came down Rt 22 and it was challenging to say the least. Branches and stuff flying everywhere combined with wet leaves and crap visibility made it easy to stay awake.
  18. I had 10" the day before T-giving 2014. It was more of a hassle than it was worth and left me with a couple hundred dollars worth of extra food because people didn't come up for dinner the next day.
  19. What a day. Yuck. It got so wet again that the tail end of the garden season brought a bumper crop of slugs under the layer of wet fallen leaves. I have one tomato plant that's still spitting out fresh fruit and the peppers are still poppin' too.
  20. Active? Yes. The part about wet or white can't be answered until March or so
  21. Well that clear line almost made it. I was on the still cloudy side with blue sky just to my south and west. It got bright enough with hard peeks of sun that sunglasses were necessary especially right at sunset. Now it's wet. At least it's not cold and dreary.
  22. Did you notice how awesome the color is on the Larch trees this year? There are some stands along 17 and on the north facing hillsides on the south side of the road that are really hot this year. What a miserable day yesterday was, once the wetness started in the morning it didn't give up until almost 9pm here and left me with 1.45" on the day. Looks like this week after today is going to be more of the same
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