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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. Nothing has been treated here not even Rt6. It's also still below freezing.
  2. I'm getting the feeling that I should pull the generator out today and make sure it's good to go.
  3. ^^ I need about 4" to pop the 10" cherry. It would be nice if this storm can do that but I'm not getting my hopes up. FWIW I'm loser to DXR than HPN.
  4. Yeah that's some serious fog, looks like about 250 maybe 300 feet out my front window. So what, 1" of snow, .5" of sleet then rain or nothing? Setting my expectations low.
  5. I say we nominate Walt to be the official winter storm thread starter
  6. ^^ Putnam County - Mahopac - 1.87 @ 8:30am - 1.02 in the last 8 1/2 hours
  7. Add another .25" since 5am. No more snow and even my big driveway pile ought to be gone in a few more hours. I literally spent an extra half hour or so moving all of the snow from the driveway to one sheltered spot in the bushes and got the pile about 3 feet high hoping to save it. I think I've lost it a little bit after having to sit out last winter and watch from the sidelines.
  8. 1.85" since it started yesterday. Finishing the year like we started, saturated and soggy. This rollercoaster is getting annoying, we keep going from fall to winter, mud to snow to mud. I'm over it. Bring on spring
  9. 1.6" since this time yesterday, .85 in the last 5 hours.
  10. Snow mud snow mud... Not so sure I'm liking this winter so far and if what some of the guys in the main forum are talking about is true it's looking like more mud than anything else for the next few weeks. Is there an upside to today being 9* below predictions?
  11. LOL How quickly is it going to warm up in the morning? I need to get out for a ride and it ought to be pretty good while it's still frozen in the morning. Anyone wanna come play with bikes in the woods?
  12. Yep. When that 1" snowfall causes a car to slide into a pole and knock the power out when it's 22° it quickly becomes "an event". When you can't flush for days because the well pump can't run it sux...
  13. Getting cold in a hurry now. Doesn't it figure, the last great meteor shower of the year and we're gonna get skunked again. I'm making a goal of seeing a few next year so if anyone wants to take a ride and chase clear viewing weather let me know.
  14. There was probably a little bit of compaction, the lowest layer was .5" of slush. It changed over early to white rain and cooled surfaces so really started sticking at 33-34* . Everything was wet when the heavy snow started so it stuck to all surfaces and the whole world is blanketed in white. It's nice.
  15. Ideal would have been no warmup and rain but yeah not so bad so far. Too bad it's about to be rinse and repeat. That was the easiest ~4" of wet snow I've ever shoveled. I caught it just before it froze on things so the wet layer was like a lubricant and everything just slid off. Other than a few crusty spots it was lighter than expected.
  16. 4.5 and still snowing nicely at 26* so the top layer is fluffy, too bad the bottom isn't The plow pile ought to be fun to shovel.
  17. This back edge band blossomed nicely as it hit the Hudson Highlands and Taconics and gave me another 1/2" so far. It looks like it will be moving through soon though. I'll take this 4 1/2" and be happy.
  18. I'm catching up! About 4.5" now, it has been snowing nicely for the last 40 minutes or so and the temp is down a few tenths and is actually at 26 now and with barely a hint of a breeze this top layer is nice and fluffy. Going out to play in the snow (shovel ) in a few minutes.
  19. Yup 26 and 4" here too. Plows have been out twice already so the streets are probably not bad. The lowest layer is all slush and is crazy heavy
  20. 4" I'm not appreciating being in this dry slot.
  21. I've got 1" on the ground and it's snowing pretty hard.
  22. Well I've got as much snow as I was expecting and it looks like at least a few more hours before it's over. I'll take it
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