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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. I saw this posted elsewhere about MEI: The MEI for May/June number just came out at +.2. Since 1979 and NO strong Niño was under +1 at this point. In fact, the only Niños that were lower than this year since 1979 were WEAK (79/80, 04/05, 06/07.) Sooooo, unless some magic occurs real fast unlike anything in the past 43 years, we'll be lucky to see a moderate Niño according to the MEI. Here's a link to Ninas/Niños if you want to see for yourself. https://origin.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/ensostuff/ONI_v5.php Just throwing this out since you guys know way more than me about this.
  2. Brief shower today that barely wet the ground, otherwise 0.00
  3. 85 with a 74 a dew.
  4. 1.38" all total here. @Poker2015 about 3 miles from me across town got over 2".
  5. That heavy stuff you experienced earlier skirted me a bit. This one was pretty nice. Non stop lightning and thunder and .40" of rain in 15 min.
  6. Decent looking storm heading into Southern Somerset then probably Middlesex County
  7. Yup. Thank goodness this isn't snow lol
  8. I only got .46 here on both my rain gauges That is crazy!
  9. Nice hit here with lots of lightning and thunder. My radarscope wont load, figures!
  10. Looked like the cell had rotation near Flemington. Some more firing to our SW
  11. Anyone near Flemington for that warned cell? I only got skimmed by it here with 5 minutes of rain and some thunder.
  12. Yup, just .20. We are only probably 2-3 miles apart, crazy. I saw those pics on Twitter. Pretty cool.
  13. Missed storms all weekend. Nice little storm just rolled through with lots of lightning and thunder. Lost power as well. Only .20" with it but I'll take.
  14. .12 overnight, .62 total
  15. Half inch of rain today
  16. I'm going to have to do that today along with adding some water to the pool
  17. Re-read. I said that June is more summer, but December, March and September fit more with the actual seasons than Climatological.
  18. Good thing one random guy on twitter posted that. I disagree with him. September is summer not fall around here, December is fall and rarely winter. March is more winter than spring. June I'll agree is more summer than spring though.
  19. Astronomical seasons line up better around here most of the time than met. seasons.
  20. Thank you! So weird that it is compared to such a small data set.
  21. Do they adjust the sst maps to the 1990-2020 baseline or is that only done for air temps?
  22. Saturday on the CMC and Ukie didn't look too bad now. Even on the GFS
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