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Everything posted by psuhoffman

  1. A central pac ridge that locks in longer than a couple weeks yes. If it’s long enough to cause a strong anomaly centered north of Hawaii but not into the epo region for the whole month of January over 80% of those years went on to a horrible February also. When I threw that nugget out there the look was still too far out to see past it. It was unknown if it was transient or not. Now it looks transient and so not a big deal. But if that pac look had locked in for weeks by late January it would be very unlikely we go on to much improvement according to past instances. Thankfully that fate has been averted for the time being.
  2. If we get a epo ridge straight through prime climo we are unlikely to do awful. It would take supreme bad luck not to at least score enough snow to get us out of the disaster category. How good would depend. An epo alone really depends on how other factors line up. Your point about blocking is true. But it doesn’t always go down that way. It depends on other factors too. If there isn’t much stj or a string pna/epo ridge it can be a dry pattern. But if there is a -pna or strong stj it can be a string of storms. Remember from Jan 30 to Feb 11 2010 we for 4 significant snows. Even for moderate snows our odds go up with blocking. But it depends on the setup. If we get a full ridge bridge arc with pna epo NAO and the block is too south we end up with 1977. Frigid and dry. But I’ll take my chances. Honestly we haven’t wasted many blocks due to dry lately. It seems we score a very high percentage of times with blocks lately just they are few and far between. So your not wrong but all things equal I would take my chances with the blocking. One last thought...a best of both worlds imo would be periods of transient blocking that isn’t too extreme and waxes and wanes during a consistent epo ridge. That would be less likely to suppress but enough to keep the track under us.
  3. Yea I wasn’t considering that a real issue. Just on that run... I’ll take too much blocking on a long range op run anytime.
  4. Damn that sucks....listening now bringing back memories and feeling old.
  5. Too much blocking. Lol. Squashes everything.
  6. I dunno the force is strong with Friday happy hour.
  7. @WxUSAF would make sense. I was thinking how almost all the years that featured a Jan pac ridge and improved were accompanied by some HL blocking. Just thinking out loud and putting things together but there have been some suggestions that high amplified waves near the MC can preceed a strat event. Those waves would also cause the pattern were in. Also the same processes that would shift the ridge into the epo domain will also apply pressure to the PV. And now suddenly we’re seeing signs of blocking showing up.
  8. Before the craziness...if the guidance continues to trend towards more ridging near Hudson Bay there is a chance the system next weekend continues to trend south.
  9. It was...of the handful of times that pattern flipped it was mostly from retrogression not progression. However, those composites were mostly years the pac locked in longer than a week so it could be more common when the pac ridge is transient.
  10. Great call. I was pessimistic when I saw that huge pac ridge of doom on the guidance. That can be a season destroyer when it locks in but now it seems it was just a transient feature as the mjo traverses the MC.
  11. @Bob Chill suddenly both the gfs and euro are showing a lot of red up top in the not so distant future. Could a NAM flip sneak up on us...
  12. The best news is those really awful January composites I posted are pretty much out the window. I said about a week ago that if we got to January 15th or so and couldnt see the "other side" we would be in trouble because it would be highly likely that would mean enough of January was consumed by that pattern to make the month fall within that analog set. But its obvious now the anomalous central Pac ridge will only last a week or so and then begin to shift into an EPO ridge. It's only the 10th and the other side is clear and moving closer in time. That makes it very likely the January pattern will not match the set that went on to be really awful winters. We seem to have dodged that bullet.
  13. Sorry this is kinda old news but I was busy trying to explain habeas corpus to teenagers... last nights EPS towards the end was moving towards the look we want to get snow in a -EPO+NAO regime. The look before that for a few days with a huge PNA/EPO ridge is a dry look. A huge full lat western ridge overwhelms the pattern and pushes the trough axis too far east for anything to turn the corner usually. What we want is this look...This is the composite of 13 warning level snowfalls for at least a portion of our region. We want the epo ridge building over the top compressing the flow over the CONUS and and an elongated positively tilted trough SW to NE. This allows enough return flow in the SE to get waves up the east coast. Get enough STJ and it can be a really good pattern. Too much SE ridge and it can be frustrating but assuming the EPO ridge flattens the flow enough it works. The EPS was moving towards that look at the end.
  14. Yea in fairness to him he does live in a snow anus. Especially for how far north he is. No worse than other coastal plain locations near water, but worse than some coastal plain locations and way worse than anyone west of the fall line in this sub or the philly one. There is an elevation minimum right there near where the Chesapeake and Delaware River nearly converge. The canal connecting them is just south of him. There is a screw zone there where the warmth that rides up the two waterways tend to engulf that area just as fast as places to the south then stalls out at the fall line just northwest if him. Plus the downslope off the hills just to his north and west cuts down in his precip some and warms a degree or two. Even a NNE wind downslopes off the hills along the DE PA border . On top of that he is just slightly too far south west to really cash on miller b storms but painfully close, even more painful to him when a storms like Dec 2000 or Dec 2010 happens and he can smell the big snows happening 15 miles northeast of him. I totally get his frustration. But he needs to accept (and seems to be) that it’s his climo and a reality that is unlikely to change. I use this to get a lot of my snowfall data. http://climod2.nrcc.cornell.edu There is so much good stuff. You can get daily data from every coop or you can get monthly summaries which will list the avg snowfall also. I am not sure where has the new 30 year climo (technically it won’t come out until after this year anyways) but you can easily calculate it using the yearly summaries.
  15. The high point is in the hills NW of Wilmington near the PA line. But I figured he must have meant biggest hill by vertical top to bottom. That might be true. I know the hill he is talking about. But it’s defini not the highest point in Delaware.
  16. Don’t have time to go into my full thought now but I liked a lot of what I saw from last nights runs. But while the pattern is supportive of a frozen event in the long range, it’s not the kind of pattern that’s good for picking up the details of a discreet event at long leads. Too progressive for that. Waves that look good at day 10 may turn to crap and things not even on the radar will pop up at day 5.
  17. 300 feet can definitely make some difference. You are in a bad spot. Im familiar. I grew up SE of Philly in NJ in an equally awful spot. Not any worse than a lot of places SE of 95 near water, but definitely not a good spot compared to places west of the fall line. I understand the job issue. Barring changing jobs and simply moving where there is a lot more snow like New Hampshire, if you went NW from APG (I assume you work there) you would do better. I don’t know how far you’re willing to go. I commute about 38 miles and an hour each way. If you went that far NW you could get to some places in southern PA with an elevation near 1000 feet that do good (like 35” avg 30”median). The hills near New Park in PA. But that area is pretty rural. Even if you just got into NW Hartford County NW of Bel Air you would still do better. The other option are the hills in SE PA northwest of Wilmington. They do ok. But those places still won’t suddenly be deep winter all the time. If you want snow on the ground a lot of winter you need to move further away then even where I live. Like the mountains in New England or western MD. That’s just not our climo here. But if you would be happy simply getting a couple decent snowstorms per year MOST years moving 45 mins NW would do that for you.
  18. Ugh I just realized the date of that threat. I’m taking my wife to a little bed and breakfast in Gettysburg for the night that Saturday and my sister is coming up from Reston VA to watch the kids. Of course that will be the day an ice storm hits.
  19. Plenty of professionals post here and have no problems! And he isn’t taking any crap from snow weenies for being a pessimist/realist. It’s actually the exact opposite.
  20. That perfectly summarized what I thought I had said clearly enough. Thanks
  21. Don’t use my name as an excuse to leave. I’ve not once tried to shut you up. I’ve refuted things I disagree with but always supported your right to say what you want. But if you’re going to act a little arrogant and obnoxious (I know I do too sometimes) you can’t cry and stomp your feet when there’s blowback. That’s weak stuff. Furthermore, and I don’t know if you realize it, but you have on numerous occasions taken comments by myself and others out of context to make a point. You’ve misrepresented things I’ve said several times. And it’s not just me, you’ve had conflict with several members on here now. You don’t have to leave, but if you act in a combative way expect others to push back. I act that way sometimes but I don’t mind the conflict and you will never hear me complaing about it if someone wants to go at it with me.
  22. In the mountains. Or in March where the boundary layer can be warm due to solar before a storm. But thats not really a consistent option here in mid winter. Because there tends to be ridging ahead of storms it would require storms constantly bombing to our southeast and pulling in cold. Not realistic. One fluke storm maybe. Not a pattern. The closest thing is a -NAO pattern like 2010 where it’s not really “cold” when it’s not snowing. Not warm though either. Just not that cold.
  23. I agree...but I do chuckle when going into an advertised cold/dry look people say “well we need the cold to have a chance” or “I’ll take me chances with the cold”. Then a few days into it when it becomes apparent we will waste the cold with 10 days of no precip they are like “this sucks we finally get cold and there is no precip for 2 weeks” when the pattern said that was coming from a mile away. Not saying that’s how we go this time just saying I’ve seen that show before.
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