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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. My June totals 4.84 rain Hi temp 91 (the only day to hit 90) Lowest 47 A rather cool month.
  2. Radar showed us getting clobbered, but only a few hundredths, random thunder, and some nice fresh breezes.
  3. 1.08 inch in rather ordinary t-storm here, about 6pm. Max temp 91. First over 90 this month.
  4. 4th straight day of significant rainfall here. Today's the lowest at 0.21 (so far). Plenty humid.
  5. Just getting a reasonably noisy T-storm in Mitchellville. Heavy rain, about 16:45L
  6. 1.30" for today, mostly ovrnt. 6pm storm mostly passed to my north.
  7. We've had more than normal snakes this year, and last week my wife called it the year of the snake. I reminded her that the last "year of the snake" led to the "winter of the snow shovel".(2009). Silly, unscientific, banter, but I just wanted it here in writing. Just in case.
  8. 47/45 And yes, I did see my breath out there.
  9. Dr. Davis claims we had a min dew point of 40 today. Insane for my neck of the woods.
  10. May final here 5.73" rainfall Highest temp 89 . lowest 43 Fairly bland month in our neck of the woods.
  11. Breezy rain just getting started in Mitchellville, 3:15 L. Under fairly dark clouds.
  12. Heavy rain with a bit of wind in Bowie. 7:25am ETA: Power flickering.
  13. Just getting grazed by T-storm here now. Plenty of T/L, but sorta passing to our north.
  14. Yeah. My max DP today was 74. (Temp 83). Currently 75/71. Summer has struck
  15. It is in fact cooler in the early season. Count on 5f. I feel it while driving home from PG most summer days. Bumper reads 80f on Rte 50; by the time I turn onto our street it's 75f. But, DP goes up. (I don't use car a/c) A few single malts should get you through it. (Time tested method)
  16. DT did, further back than that. (Sorry, no link but most of us can imagine it, in his entertaining style of writing. ) And that's the thing. These patterns just come along and always have. I'm old. I remember. (Except when I don't. Sorry, I'm old)
  17. 0.51" today. Rte 450 closed for high water at the usual place. Nothing new here.
  18. Heavy rain with some wind in Mitchellville. Start about 4:20 L. Typical weekend start.
  19. Getting steady strong rain here in Bowie with some rumbles of thunder. Impressive considering that hardly anything is on radar. 3:20 pm
  20. Oh wow, cool. I did mean the chem though. Sounds effective. Looks like about 1" in the normal gauge here so far. The electric Davis is stuck with a pollen/crud clog again.
  21. What do you recommend spraying with? (Briefly, without getting too off track) 0.76" since midnight here.
  22. Emptied 1.18 from the gauge. Evidence of wind, small green branches down.
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