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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. 3.67" total for June Max temp 92f; lowest 49 (!)
  2. Both leading to cold, winters. 9-10 snowiest winter on record. Feb 2015 2nd coldest on record (BWI)
  3. (Anecdote alert) I used to use a tarp-like cover on my air conditioner unit in winter. In 2009, I didn't even have to uncover the A/C until late June, and I only ran it just before the July 4 holiday just to make sure it was working before the inevitable hot weather arrived. BWI temp departures May thru Oct: -0.7, -2.1, -3.7, +0.4, -2.6, -2.1 (Only Aug was positive) BWI didn't hit 90f until July 12. Hit 94 a few days later, and that was the highest temp of the summer. Remarkable summer, by our standards. This year has been rather cool, but we've already had highs in the upper 90s. Not really comparable IMO.
  4. 57/53 with blue skies. shockingly pleasant
  5. 72f low Monday a.m. My highest low this summer I think. Bit strange; DP in the 60s still.
  6. Only got up to 69f today, and that was a cheap midnight high (I think) 0.68" rain, mostly a.m. Only 2 days this month have hit 90f here. (So far)
  7. I think BWI claimed 51, and I see the record at 52 (in 2005). edit: And I noticed similar, (but not close to 48 hrs), in 1954, when the record min hit 48 on the 19th and the record max hit 99 on the 26th. more: 1954 also still holding several heat records in July, Sept, Oct. including 102 on July 31. Leading to a rather snowless winter and cool March. Sound familiar? Ugh.
  8. Yup. I can't believe I clicked on it at first. And now I keep coming back like a voyeuristic addict. 29" BWI 32" IAD 23" DCA 24" RIC
  9. Morning T-storm offered plenty of thunder but not much else until one close zap at about 6:30, plus about 0.26" rain. Currently overcast.
  10. 67f for my high (dang!) 0.05" from numerous showers Overcast all day
  11. 0.25" for yesterday and overnight.
  12. Getting a strong second round here in Annapolis. CG. Bit of hail. Smaller than pea so far. Very dark sky
  13. We're just starting to get a little rain in Annapolis . Sky not very dark...worst to the North. Radar looks kinda goofy. Be interesting to see what develops in the next 30 min Edit 14:50....Finally getting a bit of T&L plus good rain, but still not dark sky. Radio tower still plenty visible.
  14. Hey; might be a good name for our band. ( The record company shortens it to just "Hydrating") Some haze showing in AACo now, but plenty of sunshine.
  15. Ending May observations..... 5.16" rainfall Highest temp 92f; lowest 40f
  16. Downpour and wind at about 13:00 in Annapolis. Not too bad so far though.
  17. We've received at least a couple calls from LWX since we moved to AACo over 20 years ago. Problem is that by the time I get the voicemail, it's usually too late. I should check/update that my mobile number is in the database. Also, judging by the posts on this forum, my little section of the world is just not as prone to severe weather as lots of other spots around the CWA.
  18. 0.67" for Sunday. About 4.26" for May
  19. Whadya mean!? This is AmWx! Of course we care. Pretty significant cloud formations approaching Annapolis. Might have to bail early to beat it home.
  20. Oh, what beautiful words. Only about 0.02" overnight here.
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