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Everything posted by 78Blizzard

  1. You can see in that water vapor imagery the blocking high up around Labrador that is what is going to drive this NW after it gets a bit past our latitude, and could be a factor in stalling it for a time south of us.
  2. I remember that March 3-4, 1960 storm. I was 13 at the time and we didn't own a car living in Roslindale. My father left work at the Sears mail order plant in the Fenway and found the trains & buses not running. So he attempted to walk home in the storm (about 5-6 miles), but got only as far as the hospitals up Brookline Ave. and stayed at one of them for the night. Quite the storm.
  3. The RGEM starts between 11-12 tonight in Boston area, earlier than other guidance. Snow doesn't end until 24 hours later.
  4. Jim Cantore just said that "not only is this thing going to bomb, it's probably going to bomb twice". Whatever that means...
  5. James shouldn't pay any attention to that TT snow map giving him 3-4 inches or so around Chatham. After 3-4 hours of some rain at the beginning, the NAM really brings the goods down there.
  6. As good as the HRDPS was, it was still not as good as the 12z, continuing the trend. But we don't toss.
  7. Quite possible, Tip. Especially since the UK doesn't go to British Saving Time (BST) until March 25th.
  8. Even the Ukie was still holding serve at 12z. For those with the JMA fetish, even it came N from 0z, lol. The euro is the outlier right now, king or not.
  9. I'd rather the Euro have its weird run now than 24 hours from now. Unless other guidance starts veering E, I'm confidant it will come back NW next run.
  10. Burbank also said: "While surface temperatures may stick around 31-34 degrees during the storm, the atmosphere is colder this time around. Thus, the snow should be less dense & that lighter-weighted snow should not produce as much tree damage & power outages."
  11. Barry Burbank's preliminary prediction from an hour ago. A more refined profile will be released with the arrival of updated guidance as the day progresses.
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