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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Almost all of the strong ones are a hit, if I lived from New York to Bostin I would be concerned but its not time to panic yet still plenty of time for the track to shift.
  2. Remember if the model is the snowest/windiest one then it must.
  3. It will be interesting to see what happens during the regular convection blowup at night.
  4. Welcome to the cult I mean club.
  5. In place where those storms would move through, after a shower the sun is now peaking out.
  6. Think I’m crazy but this feature has been here for 30 minutes with convection wrapping around so think this might be a legit eye?
  7. If we are looking for where an eye would be I think I found it, the lightning on the band would be the eyewall trying to wrap around. Seems like it’s just a matter of time before an eye forms.
  8. Well if Fred does take an more eastern track you could get something this week.
  9. Its radar look reminds me of a nor easter.
  10. Ok makes sense but what about air pressure? That happens on a large enough scale where I would assume it has some effect, maybe if a fault is already about to go off in a year or two but a sudden change in air pressure happens it can cause that release to happen soon after the change in air pressure.
  11. Obligatory I think it’s an eye comment
  12. I have read a book that had a section on this years ago can't remember it but it shows that this has happened in different places before. I think the book said how maybe the large amount of rain and flooding can put stress on faults leading to a slightly higher chance of earthquakes.
  13. There is no way if we look at Ir satellite that this thing gets North of Puerto Rico, another day another Fred.
  14. After looking at several posts about where the true center is I thought I would try to define where it is. In the green I think is where the true center is with the latest convection blowup, I think this because in the blue we can see where the banding spirals out of meaning the center would be where the green circle is. This is only a guess due to the "junk convection" in orange which obscures where the true center is exactly.
  15. When will recon get into Grace? Do we have an hour also for future reference where can I find when recon is scheduled?
  16. The convection is still going strong with a nice sustained core of pink/white on Ir sat. Looks good on visible with outflow and such, will be good to get some real observations when it gets to the leeward islands. Would not be surprised if it gets there in its current state to be stronger than advised.
  17. with the 8 am update it is now Tropical storm Grace, has a really good presentation on Ir and visible.
  18. 18z HWRF has the storm miss the islands and Puerto Rico and has it as a cat 2 off the islands north coast
  19. Wow! That is super cool with how its evolving if you want to/can I would recommend trying to get a timelapse going.
  20. Wow storm popped right next to me and was right over me worst lightning I can remember so many close cloud to ground strikes, one hit in my neighborhood. Then the rain started and it looked to be a normal storm until the trees making up the tree line gusted then bam heavy rain wind and hail. Rain came down in sheets while it hailed (pea size maybe a bit bigger) and wind whipped the trees. Got .70 inches of rain in 20 minutes
  21. I retract my complaints, really windy started to hail worse thunder and lightning I remember cloud to ground strike in our neighborhood and rain coming down in sheets. Sticks down all over the place.
  22. Its these days that make me want to switch to geology.
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