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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. I did an experiment and put an ice pack out, have roughly 25% more accumulation on it than other surfaces
  2. Rain started again around 7 now a heavy rain snow mix and temp crashed to 34.0 near Reston. The pivot is legit
  3. That’s a taker at least for the city and inner burbs where most of us live
  4. Why not 20/1 ratios, remember we have “dynamic cooling”
  5. Rap came in super far south, just another addition to the trend
  6. Your point still stands but you just used the 6z not the snowier 12z
  7. Ironically it was also the NAMs that did this both times previously, if they manage to again maybe we need to joke about them less.
  8. Ain't no way this one somehow brings itself back in. Can't wait for CWG to horribly bust for the third time in a row
  9. Who repinned the topic? There goes any hopes of a further south push
  10. If we somehow bring this one back then the second thread rule actually broke the simulation
  11. Hey if we get rlly lucky the NAM wins and no one gets anything, while we still get mood flakes
  12. Well we can take solace that Baltimore will continue to be the 2nd snowiest city on the East coast then
  13. Most important part of the comeback thread is believing in its power
  14. To be a modern day forecaster, especially in temp sensitive situations, requires discussion of it to be the best possible forecaster… not sure how that’s hard to understand. You need to factor in all variables to get the right solution, unfortunately background warming is part of those variables now
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