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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. Quite a bit more lightning out there than the single strike shown would indicate.
  2. Someone just let 6 Chinese lanterns loose down at the beach. Evidently the air is quite calm because they went up in an almost perfect straight line until they burned out.
  3. Regretting spreading fertilizer today.
  4. crickets in progress nocturnal back sweat oh yes this is nice
  5. No idea how I only got 0.16" Satisfactory gust front at the beginning though.
  6. I was way more satisfied with today until I read this thread and saw what I missed. Got clipped pretty good. A few minutes of the biggest hail since 2011.... some slightly bigger than a quarter but mostly nickels. Wasn't very "dense" so no real garden damage except to the elephant ears. Nice weird gust from behind as the storm pulled away.
  7. Tonight receives eekuasepinniW's gold star of approval. A nice steamy 75 off a high of 90.8
  8. I don't think I've had 20 thunderstorms in the last 5 years combined.
  9. Finally. Some warm steamy nights.
  10. What a wild storm. Pretty lame on the approach, very little rumbling and the sky never got impressive or dark. Wind was extreme. It was mostly in line with the channel so my gardens were unscathed, but the big shorefront white pines flexed in a way I haven't seen in probably 5+ years. A+ roaring. Sky filled with flying branches and that nice pine smell. Power went on/off several times. Fantastic rain rates followed by a nice barrage of very close lightning strikes. My dad says the cottage colony 1/4 mile up the road at the bend of the Weirs channel (Proctors) took one hell of a beating. Big white pine came down and a massive old oak split. Measured a gust to 46, I feel 100% confident that if my anemometer were on the other side of the channel that I would have got 55+. .67" Nice day. Feels like eternity since weather last excited me. Hopefully it's just a warmup for the derecho that's going to push my house off the foundation next month.
  11. LCI is still 80 Sad we don't live there. 72.7 High was 90.1
  12. I still get excited about the first firefly sighting every year.
  13. Yes. It was about 3 feet tall when I got it and grew to about 10 feet tall over 4 years. Never flowered. Burst the pot it was in on two separate occasions. Ultimately I tossed it because every new leaf failed to unwrap itself without getting all torn up.
  14. Nice. I bought a bat plant. I look forward to near continuous disappointment over the next few years until I throw it away.
  15. Hopefully I'll get to smell a nice fresh blowdown later. Feels like a reasonably damaging day.
  16. Unexpectedly chilly low-quality day. Only got up to 63.4
  17. Just googled some pictures. It looks so innocent on the outside, almost cake-like.
  18. The phrase "brown goat cheese" unsettles me to the point of having to push my laptop back slightly on the table.
  19. Kind of foiled by forgetting I had exposure lock set.
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