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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. It’s been like 2 months. Why can’t I get a reasonable amount of flooding from a slow moving storm?
  2. Wild and crazy gust front. 3200+ without power in Laconia/Gilford.
  3. Great sky-crawling lightning. I'm frantically digging out my old camera stuff.
  4. wow I'm really getting tired of the storms always being just over there <---
  5. omg I like to push my plants but still have never really gone past 1 slightly heaping tbsp per gallon of jacks professional 20-20-20.
  6. How is central NH going to be last place to burn off the coastal stratus and drizzle? wtf
  7. Up to .78" Received in .05" increments. Basically just advanced miserymist.
  8. Been listening to loud downpours on the marina roofs while I sit basically dry.
  9. 11:30 and temp is 70.1 This satisfies me. Hopefully my plants start to actually grow now.
  10. It's doing its best. Impressive that I got the time lapse up in the time between the shelf and rain actually got here. Somewhat satisfying downpour in progress now.
  11. This squall line has 2008 style turbo-scud.
  12. Still 70. Tonight is 100% eekuasepinniW approved.
  13. As of 15 minutes ago, I have now been introduced to the Eastern Whip-poor-will and I hope to jesus this bird succumbs to habitat loss and goes extinct as quickly as possible. Holy hell.
  14. 2.15" Gonna have peepers in the basement soon.
  15. Feels like absolute eternity since I've seen a fast full-halo CME that actually excited me, but this one did. Pretty painful. 33nt and -30bz is November 2003 stuff.
  16. 1.67" so far White throated sparrows have been around for weeks but have finally begun singing as of a few hours ago.
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