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Everything posted by StormfanaticInd

  1. As modeled that would be a polar vortex blizzard. Long ways to go obviously
  2. There is some serious potential of a major winterstorm late next week
  3. Spring is going to be delayed again. Have to wonder if indeed another mini ice age is starting lol
  4. On a Friday. Only 131k cases today. Good news relatively speaking
  5. Down another 2000 in the hospitals. Hospitalizations now at 86.3k
  6. Deaths are slowly coming down now to
  7. Hospitalizations now down to 88.6k. We are on an amazing streak.
  8. When its all said and done I suspect the real death toll in America will be much higher
  9. Starting to give me 2014 vibes when the cold just kept coming well into the spring
  10. This is going to be a long duration brutal cold wave
  11. Deaths still way too high today at 3999. This number should start declining hopefully in a couple of weeks. Will hit 500k sometime this month unfortunately
  12. Hospitalizations now down to 91.4k
  13. Respect the block. Storm will trend south folks
  14. We could be in for quite the stretch of winter weather folks. Might even be one for the books
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