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Everything posted by toolsheds

  1. Odd....I quotes the first one and then typed in the box at the bottom of the thread....maybe they were linked somehow? Maybe it's a good sign?
  2. We hung out at a friend's house off of Wool Mill Road. With 4wd and in our early 20s, we were able to get around. I do rememebr the drifting back there as well.
  3. 96 was pretty good though...I remember driving down 30 past the light at 97 and almost 10 foot drifts from the wind blowing the snow across the empty fields. That was amazing.
  4. I remember pulling people out of drifts back in 93 all along Rt. 30 and Lineboro road.
  5. I remember those days. Whiffle ball was a big hit too!
  6. Sorry this happened to you and your family. I can imagine how scary that must have been for your son to experience.
  7. Is that up the Park Ave. Hill? I has a paper route growing up which I had to ride my ten speed up that hill. Fun times.
  8. that was my plan. I did it yesterday morning before i hopped online for work and probably compacted the roots. They dried up, and i put the pots in totes so I could overfill them, but it isn't really helping. Need to do a better job next year. I also took two larger Vincas in as well, but they seem to be fine. I've garage kept two palm trees over the past 3 winters and they are still thriving.
  9. I tried to transplant my latannas into a larger pot to keep in the garage over the winter. Well, didn't work. I m ust have shocked them, even thought I made sure they had enough water. Probably distressed them.
  10. Could you imagine the chaos that would create? Another commutageddon, but worse.
  11. Gotta go with 2...I want there to be snow on the ground for a while.
  12. Meteor Sh1t. :-) I'll never forget that line.
  13. I could see that being the case. I'm fortunate enough that the two I have in school now are overachievers. They push themselves on their own and I'm honestly very hands off. My older son who is a sophomore in college is struggling this semester with the virtual learning. We all need to remember that all kids are different, and all of them learn in different ways. I don't disagree that some of them might be lazy, but maybe they don't know any better. All in all, it is the responsibility of the parents to be involved to help advocate when their children need it.
  14. If they are from your house...check with your insurance company. Might be covered.
  15. too bad they missed the opportunity to trade Ingram, may have been able to get a decent lineman for him at the deadline.
  16. I wish they would stick to a 2 back running game. I know 3 different types of backs can be a confusing scheme for defenses to play against, but using 3 doesn't give any one of them a chance to get in a rhythm when they are only in for 2 snaps then out for 25 minutes.
  17. Thanks. Glad to hear that it went well for your two. My two both seemed happy as well. I do know that my 10th grader had class sizes of 6, 5, 2 and 3; so a lot of students are staying virtual. I picked them up today and most of the busses were 90% empty. Luckily for my Senior, he had dual enrollment, but the course is at South Carroll in their "tech center" , so he is getting it in-person. He is a math/science kid, so this helps since it is English 101. :-)
  18. I have 2 going back today too....they are so looking forward to lunch. Happy they didn't pull the rug, but it probably will be yanked in a few weeks. At least High School Basketball is starting on Dec 7th....for now.
  19. Yep....right into my neighbor's new pool which I was never invited to use. ;-)
  20. Sorry for the Covid post, but my kid go to High School in Carroll county and all of the cased among those kids are from those who went to large parties. I understand that they probably are not at a high risk and will more than likely recover quickly (if not asymptomatic), but this has to fall on the parents. I have actually heard a few parents regretting letting their kids go. :-( I'm just happy that my kids are smart enough to understand the risk of spreading to their grandmother who lives with us...and have chosen wisely.
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