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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. It's all about pretending to be hillbilly.
  2. So is winter still over? Just wired the money over for my Garrett county mountain. So I'll be ready for next winter. In the meantime it's time to de-winterize the Ducati and get ready for spring.
  3. Lol, I don't have that acreage yet. I'm impressed you remembered. Closing is on 3/9. I did sell a whole bunch of stocks so I'm ready to roll. It's just under 200ac. I was born in Detroit and lived in Michigan for 24yrs. Frankly by March I'm ready for warm weather so this recent trend of cold springs can eat a dick. I have a good story about trying to maneuver a GSXR1100 in the snow in Michigan in May. No thanks, been there, done that.
  4. Also known as "ruling reptiles". All that's left of their lineage are crocodilians and birds. To be clear though archosaurs are the most successful vertebrates in Earth's history. Mammals are just borrowing the top spot for now.
  5. I mean, anything's possible, even a meteor like the one that wiped out the archosaurs. In 18yrs here we've only had one significant snow event in March and even that melted by mid afternoon. I'll take the under.
  6. Bruh that's like d10 forecasting. Take it to the bank, right?
  7. I'm confused. Is there a forum rule that says posting is only allowed in winter? Alas I checked and nope there isn't. So GFY.
  8. That's lame, your equation doesn't include dels, curls or differentials. I can help you there.
  9. I don't remove the bubbler and put the water pump back into my pond unless I'm confident the winter is basically over. And I put the pump back in the pond yesterday. Haven't removed the bubbler just to hedge a bit but I'm pretty confident.
  10. 69F and mildly humid feeling outside.
  11. ALEET!!! Heavy low clouds here. Roads are starting to cave from the shade.
  12. Dang looks like it's SoMD's turn to miss out. Hope the NW posse overperforms, we already got our big snow for the year.
  13. I've seen many shops in my days. You can tell from the pixels. This is definitely one, Russian probably.
  14. I've seen them winter backpacking in the Dolly Sods. But yes I agree they're elusive. It's a challenge I'm up for.
  15. Nope, it's all mine. Well and the deer and bear and bobcats. Now to be clear...my wife paid for it (hattip @stormtracker). But behind every private equity titan woman is a captive man. So yeah, it's mine.
  16. I just bought 170 acres on the Allegheny front. Max elevation on the property is 3010ft. Next winter expect me to be posting copious pics of uplift snow.
  17. I'm going to go cook my wagyu on the front sidewalk this afternoon.
  18. Ok about my earlier post...I need to rephrase. I wish one of the mets other than DT or JB would lock in a storm 5 days out.
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