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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. I don't know that dude. I guess if his wife and kids (assuming he has any) don't care if he gets his skull smashed in and his long bones shredded to bits for the sake of "furthering the field" then more power to him.
  2. We're cool. The fact that you know about Yellowstone is good enough for me. Now imagine if the deccan traps were to blow, how bad a day would that be? Ask the dinosaurs. My only point to members of this forum is to really consider how a tornado or derecho or hurricane could really change the course of your life. Think loss of life, insurance claims on roofing or siding, a large tulip poplar crashing into your bedroom, etc. 48" snowstorm??? Yeah I'm there for that. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  3. I don't disagree. .but hoping for that sort of thing? That was the whole point of my post. It's so scary and life changing.
  4. I don't have any problem, I lust for a 36" snowstorm like anybody else here. But real severe weather, tornadoes, derechos, hurricanes have the capability to really destroy lives. Maybe I'm paying karma too much credit but I don't want to deal with that shit again. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  5. I don't disagree. I come from the Midwest where tornadoes destroy whole communities and we practice monthly tornado drills in elementary school. But don't tell me that when an EF5 is bearing down on your house you're gonna be tracking it via radarscope or something. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  6. I call bullshit. If an EF5 tornado hits your house you're going to be crying and hoping your wife and kids aren't killed and you're going to be crying and depressed when everything you valued in life was completely destroyed in 10 seconds.
  7. IronTy

    Winter 2022-23

    Was that the year of the complete JMA meltdown capitulation? I can't remember. I felt so bad for him.
  8. Do people actually hope for a direct hurricane hit here? I feel like the only people who would want that are city apartment dwellers or young people who have never experienced just how destructive and life changing 100mph winds and 10" of rain are (and bank account draining). Noreasters are one thing but hurricanes are in another league.
  9. I'm really struggling with grass. Been at my house for 19yrs now and all my trees have really shaded what little grass area I have left. I reforested most of the cleared areas years ago. I plant the shade blends but let's face it, grass needs sun. Moss is slowly taking over but I'm in that weird transition period. On the other hand grass is like an ecological desert so I'm glad to phase it out. In the pic you can see the reforested area of my front yard behind the boulders. This was all mud when I move in. I've been making use of wild woodland sea oat grass wherever possible. It's a native grass...long so it wouldn't work for turf grass but it is absolutely gorgeous, especially the seed heads in winter. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  10. Same here. As soon as it lets up I'm gonna go spread some more grass seed.
  11. I hate you. Bittinger at 57. Some random guys from a neighboring property drove a bulldozer into our property and busted up a whole bunch of rocks. Hillbilly forgot he was dealing with down-Calvert money (I keed) with lots of cellular cameras capturing their identity. Lots of profuse apologizing and now he's gonna pay us back in deer meat. And I think we got a new friend out of the deal too.
  12. JB getting excited over 98L. Setup seems ideal for some rapid strengthening. Lots of O&G infrastructure if it takes the LA path, could be interesting give our ever dwindling SPR.
  13. IronTy

    Winter 2022-23

    Lmao yesterday as I was reading up about the 17-18 winter I found some old article on AccuWeather dated 2011. I just started reading it and the author started comparing 2011 to 17-18 and I was "hey this is written a lot like JB". Looked up at the author and sure enough...
  14. IronTy

    Winter 2022-23

    Give me even half of the DFNs and it would still be an epic winter.
  15. IronTy

    Winter 2022-23

    I've been doing some research on it. It sounds like a boss level winter. Good to know it's "on the table"....
  16. IronTy

    Winter 2022-23

    With those DFNs for the entire winter 1917-1918 must've been a beast of a winter.
  17. I can't find the pics argh. Myself and a coworker flew out west and climbed Eldorado Peak in the cascades of Washington State that summer. It was otherworldly, the haze was so intense and red it was like some sort of nuclear aftermath.
  18. Nothing like that down here in SoMD. But I remember a few years ago it was absolutely eerie as the smoke was so strong it was like twilight sometimes. Lete check to see if I have pics....
  19. Yeah we had the windows open yesterday but definitely not today. It's very jungly outside.
  20. IronTy

    Winter 2022-23

    Ah cool, thanks for the heads up.
  21. IronTy

    Winter 2022-23

    There's a lot of analysis that apparently goes into how much snow we'll get in a winter. I recommend drinking a beer and relaxing...thinking about the Higgs Field and how it gives mass to all matter. That's the real shit.
  22. Man it's dumping outside now. Perfect for the grass seed. I'm gonna have the most luscious lawn on the block.
  23. At ease brother. You'll get your chance. Be sure to sharpen that blade before you massacre those plants. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  24. Oh man. Now it's raining pretty good, perfect for my seed. I'm gonna be growing grass on steroids.
  25. 1/4". I just spread my seed. Perfect weather to get the grass growing. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
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