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MN Transplant

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Everything posted by MN Transplant

  1. My VP2 gets ants every year.
  2. Yeah, that's effectively where I am.
  3. 0.45” of very welcome rain. DCA and IAD are in the 0.3”-0.4” range.
  4. NAM Nest coming in aggressive tonight with a solid batch of 1"+ rain Wednesday afternoon and evening.
  5. Brushed by that cell in McLean. 0.04”
  6. Approaching mid-winter dormancy with the zoysia grass.
  7. 0.04” on the day, 0.11” on the month. Brutal.
  8. 0.08” in June so far, including 0.01” so far today.
  9. The Euro output in upstate SC is something. Here’s hoping tomorrow pans out for many of us.
  10. Good news. Now it will rain!
  11. 0.01” is a nice complement to the 0.06” from the other day.
  12. With the pattern next week, we are likely looking at a negative May and June departure. Very refreshing. Hopefully we can keep that rolling and have a 2004-like summer.
  13. Yeah, if we can get a nice slow moving trough/cut-off next week, it would be much harder to fail precip-wise.
  14. I let my grass go dormant last summer. A lot of it didn’t come back. Still not going to water.
  15. Special for @mattie g https://wtop.com/local/2023/06/drought-monitoring-triggered-on-potomac-river-drinking-water-backups-could-be-tapped/
  16. 0.05”. Wind feels nice, though.
  17. That closing band looks pretty anemic right now. 0.04”
  18. 0.01”. Now we’re rolling.
  19. T so far. The stuff coming in from the SW looks light. Going to have to rely on the development later and that might be hit/miss.
  20. Actually had a few sprinkles from that. Problem is that the air quality is worse on the east side and it is moving west.
  21. Definitely better out there now than this morning. Still gross, but less so.
  22. It is so much worse than yesterday. Wow.
  23. More so the northerly flow. The gulf has not been open this year.
  24. Direct link to the Purple Air map https://map.purpleair.com/1/mAQI/a10/p604800/cC0#9.56/38.8206/-77.1908
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