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MN Transplant

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Everything posted by MN Transplant

  1. Heard from a co-worker in Oakton that they had a "wicked" storm. He's from Long Island, not Boston, but still.
  2. Down almost 20 from the high and at the low of the day, 65.7. 0.13", so not a ton of rain.
  3. I had an outflow gust in the 30s, but nothing once the rain got here.
  4. It is interesting that there were several "gaps". It wasn't only DC, but the VA/NC border, the NC/SC border, and NE PA. These are things that are just simply unpredictable at this point.
  5. The good news is that when ECMWF pushes the envelope, Congress pays attention.
  6. Looks like that one just started producing lightning.
  7. Possibly, but it is unlikely to be significant in this case. Research has found that large, slow-moving MCSs have more impact. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258795094_A_Numerical_Simulation_Study_of_the_Effects_of_Anvil_Shading_on_Quasi-Linear_Convective_Systems
  8. Maybe the most encouraging ob is the 68 degree DP out in Winchester.
  9. There is a realistic fail mode here that has been hinted at by some models where there are good storms up in PA where the dynamics are solid and down in southern VA and NC where the instability is better.
  10. Paying attention to the DPs on the HRRR vs NAM. HRRR is much drier and the coverage is unimpressive. Is that a bias in convective scenarios this year? I haven’t been paying attention.
  11. 00z NAM Nest looks good for severe. Always an IMBY game though.
  12. 0.93” today making it 1.87” for the last few days.
  13. I remember June 2006 as multiple rounds of MCS-like storms. Is my memory failing me? Whenever I see a N/S oriented line that start to train, I immediately think of TD Lee.
  14. I have the VP2 mounted on a post and I put the ant poison (gel) on the post. Problem takes care of itself quickly.
  15. My VP2 gets ants every year.
  16. Yeah, that's effectively where I am.
  17. 0.45” of very welcome rain. DCA and IAD are in the 0.3”-0.4” range.
  18. NAM Nest coming in aggressive tonight with a solid batch of 1"+ rain Wednesday afternoon and evening.
  19. Brushed by that cell in McLean. 0.04”
  20. Approaching mid-winter dormancy with the zoysia grass.
  21. 0.04” on the day, 0.11” on the month. Brutal.
  22. 0.08” in June so far, including 0.01” so far today.
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