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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. It’s the first time I’ve recorded triple digits imby since I have had a station (~5 years). I have an ambient ws-2902. My station is away from concrete and in the open sun 80+ % of the day so I think it’s in an optimal spot for maximum temp readings 100.2 was the max for the day. It was above 100 for less than 15 minutes
  2. RDU is over 100. We are nipping at it here. 99.7, hottest reading of the year EDIT: we have cracked 100 for the first time this year imby. 100.2 at the moment. May still be ticking up. Please make it stop. This is the most brutal summer I can remember for it being only June
  3. It’s getting bad quick with this heatwave on top of it. No rain in April/may is a different animal than a bone dry June or July. 100 degrees on top of ground that hasn’t seen a raindrop in 3+ weeks is brutal
  4. End of week trending drier again. Really looking likely we’ll end the month under 1/2” rain
  5. You exceeded our monthly total to date
  6. Absolutely no rain here. Soybeans and corn are praying Thursday works out. Too late for corn probably
  7. I’m driving through new Bern now. You can tell it in the corn. Farmers in for a rough summer.
  8. We haven’t had a meaningful rain since June 4 (a brief but heavy shower). Looks extremely dry here through the week now. I think this is going to be our first month below 1/2” total since I have lived here. Add on the brutal heatwave and this is turning into a serious drought situation
  9. It’s during weather like this that I question why I choose to live here
  10. Looking more and more likely we’ll get 3 NS before June goes out. Obviously nothing strong but a fast start to a potentially very busy season
  11. Not surprisingly, the abnormally dry area in NC has EXPLODED from 4% of the state to 66% of the state just in the last week according this weeks drought monitor! That’s a massive change and I can say that given the infrequent nature of the rains of last month, many areas were already seeing very dry conditions despite not being classified as such. I expect drought conditions to overtake the eastern half of the state by next week and worsen unless we get a tropical system. Pop up showers aren’t going to get it done at this point, and obviously we haven’t even had any of those in 2+ weeks
  12. Some of those northern gulf rigs have been gusting 55-60 mph since yesterday. While I doubt that mixes down, it just shows that this storm has a very broad amount of energy. TS gusts showing up on multiple land based sites now in Texas
  13. And we officially have Alberto. Welcome to the party, 2024 Hurricane season. Gonna be a wild one
  14. It’s amazing how the concave shape of the SW gulf seems to wrap up storms. The convection almost perfectly aligns with the coastline
  15. This looks like a tropical storm now. I bet we get a name. Still a broad circulation but convection probably fits criteria for our first name of the year.
  16. Per the GFS it never rains again. Might be turning into a dessert
  17. Recon validated NHC- no closed center yet. Also finding winds to minimal TS force well north of the “center” though we already had plenty of buoy and rig confirmation of those wind speeds. This will certainly bc a close call as to whether it becomes a TC or not
  18. It is pretty concerning to see this low shear environment over the GOM this early in the season. Not that this system will take advantage bc of its sprawling nature but that could be a bad sign down the road. Usually these early season GOM storms are quite sheared for all or most of their lifespans, this storm has a beautiful upper level anticyclone spanning the entire gulf
  19. The creek that runs through my neighborhood has almost completely dried up. I have never seen it reduced to a trickle like this before. It’s usually 8-10 yards wide and now you can step over it.
  20. At least most of y’all had two months worth of rain last month. This is going to be pushing the lowest precip month ever (0.79”) since I’ve lived at my current house (6 years). We have just 0.31” through 18 days. Add in the heat, it’s a tinder box
  21. No rain chances here for at least another week. We are in a localized drought. I’m not sure we will even get to 1/2” for the month
  22. Only 0.29” here MTD. It’s dry as a bone
  23. Looks like an incredibly dry stretch incoming. Summer temps incoming as well. Enjoy the slightly cooler weather while it lasts bc our first death ridge is incoming. Hopefully models are overhyping it and it breaks down allowing for some breaks but it looks like extended hot and dry weather is a almost certainty
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