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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. Seems to be the deb from a few days out usually. Though NAM usually goes too hardcore. Also when the FV3 and old GFS were running in parallel - I noticed on the COD website that the FV3 consistently put out lower supercell composite numbers.
  2. We are pretty close to the convective temp that @Eskimo Joe indicated. College Park is reporting a dew down to 63.5 - most stations are higher around here though.
  3. Sorry. The only thing I'm hearing is that we are in for an outbreak.
  4. Yeah hodographs on the 12z NAM soundings for Thursday look awfully tasty.
  5. 12km NAM for Thursday (at range) looks pretty robust. Bears watching as SPC has been hinting about the timeframe.
  6. A few of the stations in the area have ticked the dewpoints down a bit. Still pockets of 70+ but some have come down to the mid 60s if that makes a difference.
  7. Seems likely we'll get there. Sunshine still seems to be ample.
  8. Latest NAM nest rolling in doesn't look half bad on the satellite view.
  9. The HRDPS goes pretty bonkers for this afternoon/evening
  10. Pattern does seem to look good for multiple days of storms at least within the general area as a whole (not speaking specifically about severe). I don't see any elevated odds for anything like a derecho or big outbreak. CIPS does seem supportive of a severe threat for the next 4-5 days or so, though. Give me a nice cluster of storms forming a cold pool.
  11. June can still be friendly to us - if we can get some decent cells to fire today it could be okay for some area. But yeah - region-wide event today looks unlikely.
  12. CIPS was down from around late afternoon yesterday until this morning. Looks like the 0z run did not come out properly. We'll have to wait for the 12z run for any new information from that side of things. The severe weather CIPS page (which only runs at 0z) won't refresh until tomorrow morning it seems.
  13. Long range 12z HRRR has a bow echo type thing come through the area tomorrow afternoon.
  14. CIPS appears to be suggestive that things may be flipping back to active for us WRT severe. 120hr has some severe risk and then the extended analogs also show some spikes.
  15. Crank the LLJ and give me a high wind event. I love synoptic wind events. Severe would be icing.
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