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Everything posted by clskinsfan

  1. Yeah. I noticed that. Still a long ways to go. But that is one hell of a monster storm on GFS. Entire east coast from Maine to Florida is in it.
  2. WOW. I dont ever remember a block like that in my life. That is crazy. Anybody else notice the little Mid Atlantic special next Thursday on the 0Z GFS. Just a couple of hours of light snow. The kind of mini storm that turns the roads to a solid sheet of ice.
  3. I agree with the rest. 2-4 possibly 3-6 seems realistic. Great way to end the snow drought. And an amazing start to an incredible pattern coming up for the next month or so.
  4. Me too brother. I choose to live all the way out here in the middle of nowhere so I can score 4 inches instead of 2 in events like this
  5. Was just gonna say the same thing. Other than the batty ass NAMs we have pretty good agreement with this one now.
  6. FWIW the 12K NAM looks better. Snows for 9 hours instead.
  7. DT must like the Canadians for this one. Interesting map.
  8. That map is not 1-3 it is 2-4 for basically everyone in the forum. And I am perfectly happy with that.
  9. Just want to say that the posting in this thread has been really good today. I had a long day at work and was unable to look at any models all day today. Was nice to be able to come right in here and get caught up. I really like the look of the Canadian models at 18Z. The RGEM has been on a bad streak lately. I hope it has fixed itself and is correct for once. The other thing I noticed on the runs throughout the day is that the precip seems to be pretty much locked in as a 3-6 event for the majority of our area. It has been a long time since we have had a region wide 3-6 event without any temp issues. Really looking forward to this storm.
  10. Pretty big spread between the Euro and GFS twins out this way. Euro is 3-5 GFS would be 7+. At least a shutout is looking less likely for all of us.
  11. GFS is still a 3-5 event for all of us. I would be happy with that for sure after what we were looking at a week ago.
  12. ICON tapping the gulf a lot more than the NAM. Better precip field for sure. But it jumps to NC coast at 84 as well. Uhoh.
  13. Yep. Most of VA dryslots when it makes the jump. We dont know if would try to climb the coast from there. With that brick wall to the north I doubt it though.
  14. NAM tries to jump to NC cost at 81. Who knows what it would do after that?
  15. Nam at 48 is a lot less organized than it was on the 18Z run. That is all I will take away from the run though. Anything after 48 is useless on that model.
  16. Cobb data from the 18Z GFS is some of the craziest I have ever seen. I cant remember a time with more hourly snow obs and very little accumulation on it. DCA has snow for 18 hours through Sunday evening and ends up with 1.4 inches TOTAL! All while the temp never goes above freezing.
  17. GFS has first flakes out here midday Saturday. Really light stuff though.
  18. This is looking like a long duration 4-6 throughout the area. With maybe some 8 or 9 inch lollies to the south of me. Very nice winter storm to end this horrifying drought. I think we are pretty much locked in at this point for a decent event. Some possibility of a slightly juicier system still in play too IMO.
  19. Not home this week. Working in Waldorf. But the wife says its coming down pretty good at home. Now if I could just teach her how to slant a ruler we might be in business.
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