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Everything posted by clskinsfan

  1. We almost always get more than east of us during coastal storms. It is exceedingly rare when that isnt the case. We jacked out here for 96, 03 and 16. Sometime PSU and the guys up on Parrs Ridge do a little better. But generally we do fine. And our average annual supports that. We definitely do better with a storm that runs up the coastal plain though. That is true.
  2. The GFS is an absolute crush job DC and west for the weekend.
  3. Its usually very good. We do awesome with coastals. We can also score from LE streamers and clippers as well. This was just one of those storms where the favored areas didnt get the jack. It happens occasionally.
  4. That is a serious front end thump out this way followed by a catastrophic ice storm IMO. Please let it be wrong. I will take the snow but not the ice.
  5. It just wont stop out here. Not really expecting much more in the way of accums. But it is still snowing lightly. Just took the dog on a nice long walk. Gorgeous out. Picked up 3.3 inches with the ull. Total for the storm is 8.6 inches. Did WAY better than I expected after the lull we had overnight. Congrats guys/gals to the east. Pretty epic storm for you all!
  6. Rates have lightened up considerably. But it is still coming down at a decent clip. Really enjoyed this storm.
  7. DCA has probably broken double digits if that measurement was from an hour ago? I cant ever remember a big storm where DCA got 20% more snow than me. Awesome!
  8. I always save these radar loops from the good storms. Here is the link if anyone wants it. Just click the download button on the right edge of the map: https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?type=LWX-N0Q-1-200
  9. You might still get into this band as moves east. This afternoon has been something else. I was ready to call it at 5.3 inches. And be perfectly happy with that. And I am definitely over 8 now. Crazy.
  10. Not gonna have a choice. My roads are ridiculous.
  11. Still getting pounded out here. I keep thinking the back edge is near and a new band just keeps forming to the west of me. I might top 3 inches with this ull. Crazy.
  12. Wow. Globals busted low on QPF. NAM was of course crazy. But still probably will end up closest when all is said and done.
  13. Back edge is visible for me on radar. Can I make it to 8?
  14. I always look over at my neighbors Arborvitae and try to figure out how they dont break during our huge storms. Those things are tough as nails.
  15. Route 81 is a disaster. Down to one lane after being completely cleared earlier today. The road crews must be pulling their hair out. They thought they had control of it and Ma nature said psyche.
  16. You have. I am getting pummeled again out here. What an overperformer with the afternoon ULL. 2.4 inches with that gives me 7.7 for the storm and still dumping.
  17. You got a little unlucky this afternoon with the bands setting up to your NW. But you still cashed in with the ULL right?
  18. Pretty crazy storm. I remember turning on my back deck light yesterday evening to watch the snow fall. Doing it again this evening. And "only" 7+ inches during that 24 hour period.
  19. 1.8 inches with the afternoon bands. And still coming down nicely. 7.1 for the event and still counting.
  20. Tried to post an image but it wouldnt take. The pivot has begun. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?type=LWX-N0Q-1-48#
  21. Had a lull with pixie dust for about 30 minutes. When i say dust I mean it. Looks like flour. Now big dendrites mixing back in again. What an amazing storm. I have had just about every kind of snowflake there is fall here in the past 30 hours.
  22. 1.3 inches in two hours. In a bit of a lull here now. Down to light snow. Waiting for the pivot and another quick burst to wrap this up for my area. 6.6 for the event and still falling. Great storm!
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