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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. That's better than zero. But, I think we all are hoping and waiting for that " Nemo " or " Juno " type storm
  2. Temp at 32... Snow coming down at a good clip. Everything is coated up
  3. We may all have our meltdowns, and there may be some true ********s, there's something seriously wrong with this " Pope " character. Something's not wrapped too tight upstairs. Kind of feel bad for him. On a different note. I kind of like where the euro is. If you take the other models and go in the middle, this can be good for everyone in southern New England at least.
  4. Hey, so I just wanted to apologize to you about my tirade yesterday. I guess I had a bit of my own meltdown. You guys are twisted bunch but I'm used to that by now. Guess I just had my moment. Anyway, onwards and upwards
  5. Well. You have a strange way of showing humor. Sorry if I took it the wrong way. This fckin place is twisted though
  6. Don't be a dick man. Just because you're starting to melt down doesn't mean other people have to. Why is it that some people have to come back with a smart-ass remark when someone has something positive to say? I know the deal. It hasn't been an ideal winter again. But you don't have to answer my post with your smart-ass remark so you can feel better about yourself... . I don't appreciate it and I'm sure other people don't either.
  7. So the way things have changed and have changed and have changed with the models, they can change again and we can see surprises still through the month of February and into March. It's not over till it's over people
  8. So are we calling this season quits? From all the recent posts it seems to be that way.
  9. So I'm a bit confused. When's the warm-up slated for in February? And when's this winter return happening?
  10. It's funny, the temperatures have been trending downward on our local Mets forecast for next week in Connecticut. They originally were supposed to be in the upper 40s Wednesday, Thursday Friday. Then they crept to the low 40s midweek with 47 Friday. Now they're mid 30s for midweek and mid to upper 40s maybe Friday. So this definitely has a chance to be more wintry next week. It really depends on the boundary and how much cold air stays locked in as the warm front pushes into the region. Although Jbenedick might have a different view. Lol
  11. So.. not that you are wrong... But has anyone ever told you that you can be a big Wiener yourself!! Your approach and cander on anything discussed is sub par at best. Maybe if you discussed things in a different way people would have more respect for you. Remember just a few weeks ago when you said the storm that did give us a real good amount of snow in southern New England would absolutely pass to the south of us and be mid Atlantic storm ( We all know what happened with that one ). It's okay if we're wrong, but whenever you come back with a response to someone, you basically make people sound like they're stupid. Maybe you should consider having a more open response to the possibilities as opposed to it being one thing only. We all know that weather is not black and white.
  12. Wasn't this the second run from the GFS showing something for that date? I thought it showed it at 00z last night as well
  13. George, everyone's frustrated. We're all on this forum for the same reasons, well the majority of us lol. Having sustained cold and sustained snow......that's not the reality of our winters. More often than not, the winters are not a sustained cold snowy winter. Snow and cold and then there's going to be periods of milder temperatures with rain. Does it suck that this year is somewhat following last year, yes. But it is better than last year already. The issue I have with your responses is that you're very upset that we're not getting the snowy pattern and instead of being constructive with others, you're being kind of snappy. Take a chill pill. I'm assuming you're younger than most of us just by your posts. Trust me, there'll be a good winter and it'll take care of all of your ill feelings and all will be forgotten. Also, we're not done with this winter. We do have all of February and even March. The fact that we had one of our biggest blizzards in the history of any storms in March just shows you that it's not over. And as far as what the models are showing now, you know You know better than that. Than to just take what they're saying today and run with it. They're going to flip flop. They're probably not going to be the one extreme or the other extreme they're going to be in the middle. Give it time young man. And treat others with respect when you talk to them. If they're giving you respectful answers, you should be giving them some respect back. But that comes with growing up. I'm sure you'll get there. Now carry on
  14. So looking at every angle, and all the emotions going on here I see many issues with this mornings discussions The first thing I'm noticing is the models seem to be flipping and change every few days. If the GEFS isn't showing one thing the GFS is and if the GFS isn't the euro is ECT..... Point is they have flip-flops so much with a colder month or a warmer month. How can anyone be sure what's going to happen. I sure as hell can't tell what's going to happened nor am I just going to go with what the models are showing this morning. Two...There's always a couple of posters on here that will take some of that information and just feed it into the forum like they are force feeding a baby bird. These people ( and they know who they are ) could care less whether it's super warm or snowy they just want to troll the forum like they always have and always will. So pay them no mind. I myself would listen to them if they actually had some constructive criticism on both ends but they don't. With all that said, maybe this is a lesson learned to stop riding all the models like a roller coaster because that's what they do. It's sad that they can't catch on to what's going to happen and that they're not consistent. But so much can still happen for February and March and nothing is written in stone at all until we get closer. So buckle up and puck her up buttercups. We're in for a crazy ride.
  15. Lord ...... You want ice in the worst way. You ever try cryotherapy? You can freeze your ass off and get encrusted and ice ( if you go and soak and wet of course ). You are one of a kind Kev..lol
  16. Man.... You are cracked in the brain....lol
  17. So are we seeing a bit of a change for midweek next week as far as attempts not being as high as the mid-40s? There was talk that some colder air may wedge down and we won't get as warm. Just wondering if the models today trended towards a more wintry solution in the middle of next week. More importantly, are we going to get colder after next week again with more chances of winter weather...... that is the question
  18. Well, I will say that even the storm today which trended away late last week and over the weekend came back Sunday into Monday to give us advisory snow. So, being that it's Tuesday and this next storm is Thursday into Friday, things could trend a little bit more. Is the most we would see in Connecticut.
  19. Think I'm hearing some pinging on the Windows here at work in West Hartford
  20. Although next week's not looking too good, are things looking like they could change before the end of the month, how about February?
  21. Yeah we're going to have a warm-up next week, but it's in the cold and storminess going to reload for the week after into February?
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