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Everything posted by Scud

  1. 12Euro keeps precip south, can't overcome dry tongue.....
  2. Where, and how much is yet to be determined. We are still in play....
  3. Beautiful depiction of the broad trof and cold air heading SE. What could have been is visible as some convective clusters off SE coast....
  4. Trust me yes. The northward jog commeth...
  5. Its hard to type when you are laughing, my apologies....
  6. I lived in Columbia for a Summer. Ate at the Lizards Thicket, 95 everyday
  7. Snow or the standard, 28 degrees with freezing rain. I was born in High Point NC.
  8. The ghost of the old "5d tease."
  9. Some good news. 00z UKMET is identical to CMC.
  10. 06z FV3 stll hopping. Still don't believe 12-18 inches of snow in Darlington SC will verify...
  11. They know you're waiting.....
  12. I was a surface observer at NGU in 1980. Have several snows. 17 inches January 7, a couple 3-5 events in February. Then the "big one" March 3-5, 24 inches. Joe Bastardi nailed them all. Good times for sure....
  13. Yea Yea, should settle down next 24 hrs. Prcip fields still extremely volatile.
  14. Its all good gentleman. 00z Euro moved north to our doorstep, FV3 8-12, CMS a general 10-14. These Gulf Lows seem to jog north in the end. At this point, it's all good.....
  15. I get it. You are the composer of all the great thoughts of the Mind.
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