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Everything posted by A-L-E-K

  1. always nice to finish out the season with a solid call
  2. probably doesn't take much deep residual urban heat this time of year, looks great up here on the far north side
  3. forested areas gonna look real nice with this plaster job and early greenage later this morning
  4. banding got even better in mchenry co, lol
  5. Cary#s sleeping thru the goods
  6. The lack of wind is nice, lots of fat flakes.
  7. I'll be up around 430 as usual
  8. rippage in NE https://lincolnne.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html?appid=80596d640a63496e84f02bf26ca105bb
  9. P confident we see some nice northern fgen banding up to at least 88
  10. ready 2 b buried feels like an over performer to me too but obv jelly about the IA jackpot zone, that is going to be an incredible 1'+ spring cement event
  11. the look at 700/850 on the NAM is a quality spring plume with lift for days
  12. nice river streamers for sure
  13. sounds right, think i probably did a tad better imby, very nice ready for more squalls this afternoon while model watching the upcoming
  14. interested to see the ORD total
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