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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Look. Again, this isn't even directed against you. Although I don't agree with everything you say, you engage in civil discourse better than I have, and I respect that. But some of the goobers in here are really just frightening, like dta who has verbatim said that masks lead to *more* infections (and I don't think it was sarcasm).
  2. Yes, but only about four or five of us seem to have ever taken an entry-level biology class.
  3. The issue is that the same people who lurk because they "don't know much about the weather" somehow think that they are entitled to voice their opinions in here when they clearly know even less about virology.
  4. Miss me with your enlightened centrism.
  5. Honestly, you just have to look at who's on your side of the argument. If by some cosmic mistake, I'd be of the opposing viewpoint, and I saw that clowns like this are on my side, I'd probably just jump ship on the spot.
  6. Viruses don't "grow" on your masks, and the bacteria that *might* definitely will not cause diseases, at least not in the way you morons think they will
  7. What is wrong with you people seriously
  8. I just don't get it. What's so hard about this? It's never been about *you*, it's about the people you interact with. It's highly likely that I'd be worse off with the vaccine than with Covid but shit, I'd still get the vaccine because guess what? The vaccine hasn't killed anyone. It's literally that cut-and-dry.
  9. Just because a couple people could get away with not getting the vaccine for a while because everyone else is covering for their asses doesn't mean that they aren't idiots. It is entirely unnecessary for me to post anything to prove this, because even if someone missed it the first forty-eight times explanations were linked, it's literally common knowledge at this point in the Covid Crisis that vaccines DON'T WORK THAT WAY. People who wait are stupid, because they think their caution is logical, when in fact, there's literally no way that this vaccine will cause widespread issues in its recipients. You know, as we've seen for the past 2+ months. Idk what you guys are waiting for...
  10. Anyone who thinks Stebo is an extremist has a smooth brain
  11. And this is why I'm happy this storm is taking place now and not when a foot of snow could have been on the line. Lol.
  12. For the dipshits saying that "China virus" is a completely neutral term with no ill connotation, here's a nice HD photo of Trump's speech notes in which he initially used it. I know your inference skills leave much to be desired, so let me give you a hint: why do you think he decided to make the name change in the first place? It's definitely not just because the virus came from there, trust me.
  13. Stupid question, but about how long would you guys say it'll be until it's really starting to turn green outside? Three more weeks? Four?
  14. Just started snowing here with the intensity of a summer downpour. Can barely see.
  15. TWC got me goofed up with that 5-8" forecast. This is a very funny storm
  16. Guys, I saw a quasi-dust devil today while on a run. I was deep in this forest preserve, with a friend, when we noticed leaves whipping around us. We turned to our right and there was a legitimate cone of dust maybe half a foot wide and a foot tall zipping around the prairie next to us, a mere 20' away. No clouds overhead, and the whole area was still smoldering for a controlled burn, maybe the heat caused it. It was really cool but short lived, it cross the path and died out in less than a minute.
  17. Last night was the first real downpour of the year here. Went to bed at midnight, at 12:50 I woke up again and thought the world was ending because the rain was so loud. Totally forgot what that sounds like
  18. If you're a vaccine conspiracy theorist, then that means you either know literally nothing about how the body and cells work (which I can't blame you for) or that you have serious trust issues and an inability to determine fact from bullshit (which is 100% on you).
  19. As much as I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, we really can't just blame people for our country's horrible dietary habits. There are so many things we could do to control companies and corporations and limit how much unhealthy shit is everywhere. But I think it runs even deeper than that. I feel like there's just this culture of eating in America, where food is not just a means to stay alive, but also a source of entertainment; a way to destress, take a break. Sadly, the exact people that would probably benefit the most from being able to cook healthy stuff are the exact people who don't have that luxury of time.
  20. Or perhaps it's the fact that obesity is an industry in this country.
  21. Correction: Half of the US is selfish.
  22. I'll go B+ here. I loved the snowy stretch, but without sounding too weenie-ish, at least some snow on the ground for the holidays is a must have. If we could have just gotten like a two-incher on the 23rd it would have made it an A+
  23. If my semi-elite distance running teammates were bed-ridden with Covid for a week, then it'll probably kick half of your asses no matter how much "exercise" you do. Yes, being healthy will help your body stave off disease without distraction for sure, but if y'all actually think that being healthy is enough on its own, then you've got to wise up.
  24. In reality, masks only protect against a very small number of all of the pathogens that a human consumes. That small number includes a lot of the bad ones though. Wearing masks will certainly help prevent person-to-person spread, but I highly doubt it would have any meaningful impact on the evolution of the immune system. Edit: More food for thought: Humans aren't the only ones evolving. The more we get exposed to diseases, the more those diseases evolve to infect us more efficiently. Note that efficiency doesn't equal lethality, but still.
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