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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. And your an authoritarian fear monger who is rude and obnoxious. But I’m still glad you are free to be the way you are.
  2. I think all outdoor activities should be allowed. I’d start there. Playgrounds, outdoor dining, pools, golf courses, outdoor sports (like basketball, soccer, etc). I would do that tomorrow in VA. Then I’d phase in retail stores over the next week or two. Then by Menorial Day i would recommend opening sit down restaurants and bars.
  3. Okay so when would it be appropriate to allow kids to play in groups/on playgrounds? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year?
  4. I’m not a pool guy myself. But downplay the pool outcry at your own risk
  5. If a child contracts Coronavirus and then passes it to their parents and they die and wxtrix tells the child they killed their parent by going to the playground then that will have a negative psychological effect. However, your example will affect relatively few children. Whereas the current status quo is affecting millions of children.
  6. True. I think more people will be willing to take on more risk as time goes by. I think by mid May governors Hogan and Northam are going to have to relax restrictions. Memorial Day could be the breaking point. If pool season gets delayed there will be a larger public outcry
  7. No. Kids were in school for months while Covid 19 was already in the country. Also, aside from anecdotal stories the statistical chance of dying from the virus for a child under age 10 is effectively zero.
  8. Are there many 20-45 year olds (the age of the vast majority of parents with young kids) dying from this virus?
  9. No. It’s not possible long term. For a few weeks it was okay. But keeping young kids from social interactions (playgrounds, general outdoor play, sports etc) will be damaging to them psychologically long term
  10. i am not advocating for opening schools prior to the fall. That window has long since passed for this school year in my opinion. I am arguing for opening parks, playgrounds and essentially all outdoor activities. Especially those that have a direct impact on children.
  11. If you are comparing sending kids to school, playing on playgrounds etc to playing with fireworks and physical child abuse then that is insane.
  12. And if you are breaking the stay at home rules, then why the heck are u supportive of them???
  13. The point is we are not being allowed parent how we see fit without breaking rules and laws.
  14. It was just funny to hear someone demand that people not tell them how to take care of their kids. I have essentially been arguing a position to make life better for my kids and largely been called names and had my opinions disregarded. That is fine but don’t go around demanding people adhere to asinine and arbitrary rules created by the state and then demand you be left alone.
  15. No, we have. In fact we are no longer adhering to any of the rules with many others who feel the same way. However, the point i was making is that i would not presume to tell other parents that they shouldn’t do what they think is best for their kids.
  16. Finally, common ground! Stop telling parents how to parent their kids. I will start taking my kids to the playgrounds and send them back to school and play dates with their friends....oh wait the state has decided we can’t do that.
  17. It seems to me Phin is referring to the teachers unions NOT individual teachers. I have yet to see anyone point to a report of a major teachers union insist we get the kids back to school as soon as possible. Sending the kids back to school with social distancing, masks, no recess, impossibly small class sizes etc is not a realistic possibility in my opinion.
  18. Is there evidence to support that outdoor activities spread the virus? Or have there been virus outbreaks attributed to the protest areas?
  19. The governor simply rescinded an order that made it illegal to operate certain types of businesses. None of the businesses are required to open their doors and nobody is required to show up. It’s going to be a slow return to any type of normalcy even after stay at home/close your business or else orders are lifted. But better to start now IMO, so the process can work it self out over the next couple months.
  20. It is a really complex question. We have almost achieved Great Depression level unemployment in a mere 6 weeks of Covid policies. But on the flip side there have been nearly 60000 deaths in the country with more on the horizon. We tend to get into shouting matches taking sides on this thread (I am certainly guilty of that). But at the end of the day we are all assessing these challenging times and trying to figure out how we strike the right balance moving forward. The answer is somewhere between life back to normal immediately and lockdown (stay at home, keep businesses closed by law) for 12-18 months until there is a vaccine. There is an optimal solution in that vast grey area. Trying to figure it out is the challenge.
  21. Challenge yourself to a little research of your own. And don’t just look for stuff that will prove you right. Royalty and nobility would certainly have lived longer lives than peasants in the year 1000. Hint most people were peasants back then. But if you are seriously arguing that life expectancy has remain unchanged for the last thousand years, don’t let me talk you out of it. Watch out for the golfers!
  22. It was largely due to the infant mortality rate during that time. So you had people living into their 50s and 60s and exceptions like Socrates who git 70.
  23. Probably closer 30 in the year 1000.
  24. We have thankfully loosened up on the family side. I got to meet and hold my 2 week old niece for the first time last night.
  25. I miss live sports. The playground with my kids is also a biggie. Maybe not in that order lol
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