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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. A surprise car topper. May actually be legitimate light snow at the moment.
  2. Snowflakes in Montclair. I might beat yesterday lol
  3. I think JI was laying the sarcasm on pretty thick there lol
  4. I can report a fresh NW breeze in Montclair. If i can sneak a few sleet pellets or a mangled flake on the backside I’ll be sound as a pound
  5. Farther east than expected. Nice! Rooting for the western crew!
  6. Montclair ZR with the occasional pinger. Raw outside
  7. Mostly SN with the occasional pinger. Temp dropped to 31...
  8. Just get that Low off the OBX and then we are cooking!
  9. Snow sleet mix in Montclair. Light to moderate. Deck whitening.
  10. The radar returns starting to show up in PWC. Can we hold snow for a few hours before the flip? I hope so!
  11. We could get lucky for a bit with heavy snow before the inevitable flip. 28/23
  12. I’m under a WWA and a flood watch. What a country!
  13. At the very least it removed the inland running solutions. That’s a start!
  14. Definitely something happening East of Jacksonville, but i also thought this was a gulf low pressure jumping to the coast.
  15. Yea i can live with that. I think that is somewhere between “wild guess” and the CRAS on the meteorologist totem pole lol
  16. HH NAM going to start the trend?! C’mon old friend!
  17. The trend is our friend....i will go down with the ship. I’m a lifelong Orioles fan
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