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Everything posted by Cobalt

  1. Wow, 2020 has been ruthless for celebrity deaths so far. To be honest I'm always hesitant to talk about my taste in music here because it always makes me sound like one of those "I was born in the wrong generation" types, but music can certainly be timeless, and Rush was no exception. I've delved somewhat into their collection (helps that my dad was big into a fair bit of music around that era and got me into it early), but The Spirit Of Radio has always been one of my top favorites. Of course I can't appreciate it as much as those born in the time when the music came out, but it's nice to have a form of media so timeless that my friends still talk about it and listen to it, and likely my children and grandchildren will still be listening to the same incredible music. RIP Neal Peart.
  2. 1.5" here, it is absolutely beautiful outside. Very content with this system.
  3. GFS Kuchera cuts totals in half for most, but still rather optimistic numbers
  4. Ah yes, the start to the greatest winter ever that I was sadly too young to enjoy to it's fullest
  5. This Snowchaser fellow sure lives up to his name.
  6. In fact, I believe so? Look into the Ganzfeld Effect, some interesting stuff there. or so I've been told
  7. I regret all of the time I stayed up for that. I remember DT was bullish on it until the Euro (?) finally dropped it. After Jan 4th we knew what type of winter we were in for.
  8. More likely for it to be in the 80s on Christmas than for the GFS to nail a 10 day HECS
  9. The GFS has been wildly consistent with showing a storm around that time. Only 10 days to screw it up >:)
  10. Have we ever actually had a potent storm fall on Friday the 13th? Genuinely curious.
  11. Glad to see you cheery as ever
  12. BWI: 23.9" DCA: 14.2" IAD: 28.6" RIC: 9.6" SBY: 8.4"
  13. Yeah, I remember him going completely out of line and saying something that wouldn't fly anywhere. Makes sense that he got banned.
  14. UKIE close to something for extreme N parts of our subforum
  15. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope y'all have a good one
  16. Man, the fact that the Ravens have to play actual football teams with decent records is certainly not helping them attain home field advantage
  17. Dang, this Jackson guy is pretty good for a running back
  18. Yeah, but of course we won't be able to get a new owner until he's deceased, and if Snyder Jr. is given ownership, oh boy.
  19. Confirmed here. Nice little SnowTV event going on in NW DC
  20. I'm not sure that I can name a single big hit that Jackson has taken all season. I think he has more awareness than most if not all mobile QBs before him, and of course he's built much better to sustain being a mobile QB. It's a pretty great combination.
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