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Everything posted by nesussxwx

  1. 24F. Approaching 2 inches. Moderate snow, coming down at a good clip.
  2. Nope, temperature and dewpoint continue to rise here as well. 33f now. Patiently waiting for a drop.
  3. Yep... many models had NWNJ in the teens during onset a couple days ago. Doubt we see much. Scaling down to 1/2" - 2" snow total.
  4. Up to 31F. Already smelling like a bust. Dewpoint is at 24 which is good. Was not suppose to be warm this early.
  5. 13F currently. Coldest thanksgiving I can remember in several years.
  6. We were forecasted for accumulating snow here, 3-5". Roads were barely treated, and the plows were not even out. NJ-23 was a disaster and it's most definitely not a local road, not one plow was seen yesterday while I was driving. Some blame should definitely go towards officials.
  7. Going be interesting to see what he has to say. Everything is a mess.
  8. Back again for another winter fellas, may the snow gods be with us. Currently 25/18. If all goes well a foot would not be out of the question. Depends on how fast mid layers warm.
  9. 25/18. If all goes well a foot would not be out of the question. Depends on how fast mid layers warm.
  10. 6-8" here, 24"+ for you.. just imagine. What a gradient on that snow map.
  11. How's this storm looking? Haven't checked in for a while.
  12. Ended up with the same here. Friend in Southern Sussex had close to 7".
  13. NAM warmed up considerably again. Expecting a boatload of sleet/frz rain now.
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