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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. The ironic thing is there have been no Cat 4 landfalls further north than South Carolina since the 50s. And no Cat 5 landfalls north of the gulf coast in recorded history.
  2. This might have been a Cat 5 if there was more time to strengthen.
  3. Ray this is going to be a lot stronger than 110 mph at landfall- more like 130 mph
  4. 2016 was pretty low too. This year's is later than any of them though like you said.
  5. According to that the sea ice extent has been increasingly slightly in the last few days- so the minimum likely wont be in early October? Is this still the latest we've ever seen the minimum, Chris?
  6. Chris, we've been setting records like this in different parts of the world's oceans for a few years now. What year had our latest sea ice minimum and does it look like we could break that record this year (with a sea ice minimum as late as October for the first time ever?)
  7. That's amazing that all these records are so recent. One of these years we'll see a day like that in the middle of winter!
  8. Thanks, Chris, looks very close to our latest 90 degree day, which was October 10, 2007 I think? Do you have a number for our earliest 75+ dew point? I would think it wouldn't be any earlier than April, just like the first 90 degree day. Do you have that graph for 75+ dew point days updated for number 42? It's been sunny here and feels both hot and is humid and I'm going to turn the AC on lol. I think tomorrow is the anniversary of Hurricane Gloria.
  9. The biggest problem is human overpopulation, get the birth rate to 1.5-1.8 worldwide like it is in Europe and we're golden. Human overpopulation is the biggest factor in CC and most of our other environmental problems. More education and a better economy will do that.
  10. We can easily run the entire planet on renewables and we will be doing that by 2050 or so. Solar, wind, hydro, even supplementary nuclear (dont put reactors on fault lines). Also, CC does effect places other than the far arctic- there are island nations going underwater because of sea level rise. As will our coastal regions. And the greatest time to be alive- maybe- but that doesn't mean there aren't big problems. Cancer is on the rise as well as conditions like autism, ADHD, etc- from environmental factors like organophosphate pesticides and other toxic pollutants. Companies like Dow are allowed to exceed safe spraying limits year after year and they are spraying toxic pesticides near schools (and exposure to them by pregnant women results in babies being born who later develop the above conditions.) And CC and higher humidity levels are causing higher rates of asthma and other breathing problems especially near cities because the levels of smog are much higher than they were before, So Cal just set a record for 82 straight smog days, and all of this has been linked to CC. Higher number of tropical infections are also connected directly to CC - you dont really want a warmer planet, I have traveled to tropical regions, do you know what kind of horrible parasitical infections occur there?
  11. 77/76 at JFK, the #42 75+ dewpoint here. I wonder what the latest and earliest 75+ dew point days on record are? https://classic.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/ny/new-york-jfk/KJFK/date/2018-9-26 So far about an inch and a quarter of rain between the last two days, most of that fell last night.
  12. I remember back when I used to sleep with a blanket in late September/early October nearly every year....now more often than not it's with the A/C on. Basically we had 40s for lows in late September almost every year and lows in the upper 30s in early October and highs in the low 50s for at least a day or two.
  13. Yum, maybe the sentient ones are cannibals and wont blame us for eating them then lol.
  14. lmao! I almost fell off my chair lol. I only said that to him because he said "righteous" haha
  15. Yes, they will want to get back at us for putting them on our pizzas, getting high off of them and who knows what else....
  16. hmm I wonder why...... I know we've been talking about some of our bigger storms occurring later in the season than before.
  17. At this rate they'll be replacing us and building their own cities (or just taking over our own.)
  18. This is interesting because usually in El Nino's seasons usually end early and this one actually seems to be getting busier later in the season.
  19. Oh that sucks, oh well at least the 90s are done and with the shorter days 80 doesn't feel so bad lol.
  20. Cowabunga, Dude! Is that SNE or is that Huntington Beach lol?
  21. It was an astonishing 77/77/100% around noon, I wonder if the dew point has ever been this high this late in the year before? https://classic.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/ny/new-york-jfk/KJFK/date/2018-9-18 Now it feels better, it's gotten less humid and the temps have dropped from a high of 80 to the low 70s since the winds switched to the north but it's still raining pretty hard.
  22. hmmm I heard there were hints of a big pattern change come next Wednesday.
  23. It was bright and sunny and then started to pour within seconds. This sometimes happens in the winter too, but with snow and the passage of an arctic front.
  24. That was a very weird and interesting winter and spring we had, from 80 degrees in February to noreaster after noreaster in March and a snowstorm in early April. That snowstorm in early April is something that seems to be more common before the development of an El Nino for the following season. And after that cold and stormy April we went right into a summery pattern in May.
  25. I agree, some people need to look up their definitions of what a noreaster is and when it can occur. We've had some in the summer also. Nor'easters are most often associated with strong winter storms crawling up the Northeast coast, but snow isn't a requirement for such a storm. These storms are most frequent and strongest between September and April, but can occur any time of the year.Mar 1, 2018 What is a Nor'easter?
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