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Frog Town

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Everything posted by Frog Town

  1. If the IOD is forecast to be in a positive phase this winter couple with an El Nino, which typically translates to an MJO phase between 8-1, why are so many winter forecast's warm. Curious??
  2. No Winter thread yet but I'll just place this right here......very interesting. https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/winter-2023-2024-forecast-polar-vortex-el-nino-qbo-strong-impact-cold-weather-united-states-canada-europe-fa/
  3. Not sure... Nice cut off in early May. Did we even have anything like this all winter, lol.
  4. That was the first time we went sledding that Winter....if you could even call it a winter.
  5. Closing in on 4" here just NW of Toledo. Coming down nicely with 1-2 more to go.
  6. .NEAR TERM /THROUGH FRIDAY/... 12:30 PM Update... Am working on final grid edits and headline coordination regarding the snow arriving late tonight into Friday morning. Will be hoisting additional advisories for the rest of NW PA and the northernmost 1-2 tiers of counties in OH over the next 1-2 hours. More detailed discussion will come later this afternoon.
  7. Night snow fall is making the difference.
  8. Hey Toledo friend! Are you seeing some 12Z data that favors our area, finally??
  9. In the middle of the sub the NAM trends N and the Euro trends S.
  10. It's kind of weird as we haven't had a SLP take this trajectory across the sub yet. Curious how the models will handle this Bowling Ball type Low.
  11. Wagons south...and it's not done.
  12. Are you banned from starting threads?? Smells like an OTIS bomb to me..
  13. 34 in Toledo with a dew pt of 31ish... Rain/snow mix but temp is coming down to the dew point. We are right on the line of who knows what..
  14. Got lots of laughs when posted but now it's not so funny. When you've seen this happen so many times over the Winter, it doesn't take a MET degree to catch on.
  15. Nice to have you back, Stebo. Always appreciate your insight and tactfulness.
  16. It'll be back to it's Sunday solutions by 12Z Wednesday.
  17. You are awesome for sharing your craft with us in a way that is priceless to wienies like us. Thank you!
  18. I never do this but.....That's me in the green.
  19. Pretty nice looking but it's an outlier at this point despite the nice ensemble look.
  20. I hope it's wrong as this is about the time i'm looking forward to things warming up. Darn Murph!
  21. I work in Lenawee County Michigan and everything is shut down.
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