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Everything posted by sbnwx85

  1. Lake effect overnight and this morning “saved” this event for me. Ended with 5.3”. Bring on Spring!
  2. 2.3 inches so far. Woo. It’s getting to the point where I don’t believe the atmosphere is capable of producing a snow of more than 3 inches.
  3. Heavy, wet snow. Dusting on the grass and cars. Radar looks good for my area.
  4. It's not lost on me that the loss most are experiencing from this storm is my gain...and for that I'm sorry. Please accept my condolences.
  5. Should add bust potential still high. I could see marginal temps leading to minor accumulations Tuesday night followed by getting dry slotted. In fact, that’s what I’m assuming will happen to keep expectations at bay.
  6. My P&C from IWX going with 1-2 Tuesday night and 2-4 on Wednesday. A pretty good AFD. If trends with the 12z suite continue they may bump up totals.
  7. Hope nobody gets their hearts broken with this storm. We’re all prepared for something to go sideways with this 24 hours before the event happens. Not saying it will...but this winter has taught us to be prepared.
  8. This will go down as a near miss for me I’m afraid. Oh well. Is it spring yet?
  9. I’ll never say another bad thing about the Canadians if that 12z actually happens.
  10. I haven’t paid any attention to this one so I am shocked it’s snowing here. I just got home after a long weekend so I haven’t measured but I’d guess an inch? Flakes are HUGE at times. Here’s the best I could do from the car.
  11. Lake is cranking now. Light to occasional moderate snow. Hoping we can get a band to hang out for a few hours overhead as temps continue to drop.
  12. 2.2 from the system. We’ll if any lake bands swing through tonight.
  13. Half inch so far. It's not really accumulating on the roads or sidewalks. Coming down at a decent clip but ratios stink. As long as we cover the grass for a few days I'll be happy.
  14. Just looked at the radar. Looks nice for you at the moment. Snow starting to come down now here. Small flakes but it's already sticking to the cars. 32 degrees.
  15. I'm hoping the fact the sun will be setting soon will help accumulations here.
  16. Is it too late to make a call? Don't care. Doing it anyway. It hasn't started snowing yet. 4.1"
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