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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. 540 line makes quite the appearance on the 12 gfs. Yeah, man!
  2. 6pm in September and still 98 at BWI. Impressive heat.
  3. Who’s going to be the first jurisdiction to announce early closings for tomorrow because of heat? I think it will be Baltimore City, though I read that they’ve apparently got AC in all but around ten schools.
  4. Where are all the other weenies?!?
  5. Yeah, but your corn field dew has to be 80.
  6. After reading the @Terpeast thread I’m sad. And if IAD hits 100 this week, I’m buying a lot in @jonjon land.
  7. After working at the brewery today, I went down and watched the team introductions of the Maryland Cycling Classic. Pretty cool to meet so many pro cyclists. Unfortunately the beer at the event was pretty blah so I had to stop back at the brewery on the way home to cleanse my palate. Looking forward to the race tomorrow.
  8. Had a 60 Minute Dogfish at the local watering hole and now trying to get myself up for a fall old fashioned.
  9. Is that an eyewall replacement cycle the last hour or so?
  10. ^^^^^ Man, there’s no way I could stand that much heat.
  11. Founders KBS Blueberry is soooo good!
  12. You’ll have success with those peppers. Banana come in sweet and hot. I think the hots are legit. Good for salsa and hot sauce recipes. The sweets are not imo really sweet, but they add a nice crunch to tuna salad, bagel toppings, eggs, etc. And both are prolific. Your onions didn’t do well? Did you do small plants in March?
  13. Next year plant a few banana, cayenne, jalapeño, and Serrano peppers. Stupid easy.
  14. Time sensitive but is that a bird ring on radar in northern bay area?
  15. Beautiful photos, @CAPE. Let me know where you end up living over there and I’ll visit! The last leg of our trip was in Glacier and though I’ve been there before, it doesn’t disappoint. Such a stunning park.
  16. Totally agree about the walks on a glacier without a pro tour group. We were very respectful around the glacier knowing that it’s a potentially volatile area. Pictures don’t do justice to the size and danger. Today was a lazy day around Jasper. Got down into the 30’s last night so no hurry getting up, and then opted for a coffee house latte and pastries in town over the traditional cowboy coffee and scrambled egg burritos at the campsite. Walked the town a bit and checked out the cool railroad station, then hit up the tram to the near summit of Whistler’s Mountain (not to be confused with the biggie outside Vancouver). Hiked the final kilometer to the summit and had a late lunch and beer back at the tram.
  17. Unfortunately, the MA forum is my only “Facebook.” And I just read the Banner article concerning Angelos and the stadium deal. What a pos.
  18. @CAPE Did I miss how your trip went???
  19. We only did a 8 mile hike today, but there was a lot of rock scrambling and elevation gain. The mountain made a lot of sounds today. Definitely heard glaciers cracking and rocks falling. And Jasper is incredible. What a great town! And I touched my first ever glacier!
  20. Need a win tomorrow to keep the series streak alive. Its been fun listening to them on Sirius XM while traveling.
  21. I purchased a “GuideAlong” for the drive today and it was so funny that the first thing the guide said was, “Hopefully you have clear weather for all the sights today!” Our weather was pretty cruddy so if the weather is clear on Sunday when we drive to Glacier, we will be hitting up some of the same stops. The guide made a point of saying the sunnier the sky, the more vivid the glacial water.
  22. Today was a travel day from Banff to Jasper along the Icefields Parkway. Unfortunately, the weather was meh, but for the glacier walk, cold and wet felt just right. Glacier, not water, in the background. Closer to the glacier.
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